Page 6 - Cornice_Grade 2
P. 6

                                            Children’s Day Celebra�on
                                                          s Da
                                                                y Celebr
                                            On the 14th September 2022, we celebrated Children’s Day at Rato
                                            On t h e 14t h S ep t em b er 2022, w e ce le b ra t e d C hi ldr en ’ s D a y a t R a t o
                                            Bangala School. From the assembly line, we went directly to the audi-
                                            Bangala School. From the assembly line, we went directly to the audi-
                                            torium. I was wondering what the teachers were planning. I thought
                                            torium. I was wondering what the teachers were planning. I thought
                                            that it would be a normal school day but to my surprise, our teachers
                                            that it would be a normal school day but to my surprise, our teachers
                                            performed dances and sang for us. Miss  Sheelu dressed up as Harry
                                            performed dances and sang for us. Miss  Sheelu dressed up as Harry
                                            Potter. My other teachers also dressed up as di erent characters.  ey
                                            Potter. My other teachers also dressed up as di erent characters.  ey
                                            looked funny. At the end of the performance, we got to dance with
                                            looked funny. At the end of the performance, we got to dance with
                                            our teachers.  en we came to our class. But the fun was not over yet.
                                            our teachers.  en we came to our class. But the fun was not over yet.
                                            We all made a crown for ourselves. A er we were done making it, Ms.
                                            We all made a crown for ourselves. A er we were done making it, Ms.
                                            Shilpa and Ms. Susanna wrote nice comments on the crown. I felt spe-
                                            Shilpa and Ms. Susanna wrote nice comments on the crown. I felt spe-
                                            cial when I wore it but I could not wear it for long because I felt uncom-
                                            cial when I wore it but I could not wear it for long because I felt uncom-
                                            fortable.  e most interesting thing was
                                            fortable.  e most interesting thing was
                                            when we all got an eraser pen from our
                                            when we all got an eraser pen from our
                                            teachers. We also had a special lunch
                                            teachers. We also had a special lunch
                                            that day. We ate Biryani for lunch and
                                            that day. We ate Biryani for lunch and
                                            Haluwa for snacks but I don’t like Ha-
                                            Haluwa for snacks but I don’t like Ha-
                                            luwa much. However, it was the best
                                            luwa much. However, it was the best
                                            Children’s Day of my life.
                                            Children’s Day of my life.
                                                         by Krieta Maleku Amatya
                                                         by Krieta Maleku Amatya
          My Experience of the Ramailo Assembly
          We were very excited about the upcoming assembly. It was scheduled
          on 20th August 2022. We were all prepared with props and practice.
          But the assembly was postponed due to teachers and students getting
          sick. But now it was going to happen on 10th September. It was good
          in a way as we got extra time to practice. I practiced performing in the
          English play, Swimmy. I practiced poems, dance, and songs for the day.
          But to my surprise, my teachers gave me an important role. I was cho-
          sen as emcee for the day. Ms. Shilpa gave us the script of the emcee, so
          I was all prepared. On the day of Ramailo Assembly, I was super scared
          at  rst but a er making a few announcements I got the hang of it. I was
          the red sh in Swimmy, we danced to the Lama Dai song, and we recited
          a poem. It was fun and quick.

          A er the performance was over we changed and went for lunch. Our
          parents had prepared lunch for that day. It was yummy. A er lunch, we
          got to play outside for a while.

          My parents said that the whole
          performance was great! I felt
          super happy. It was the best day
              by Padmasara Rajbhandari

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