Page 9 - Cornice_Grade 2
P. 9
वातावरण सफा राख्नुपछ �न !
वातावरण सफा राख्न हाम�ले रुख�बरुवा काट्नु हँदैन । एउटा �बरुवा काटेपिछ त्यसको ठाउँमा
अक� �बरुवा रोप्नुपछ । हाम�ले जनावर मानुर् हँदैन । हाम�ले जथाभाब� प्लािस्टक र फोहोर फाल्नु
हुँदैन । हाम�ले पान�मा फोहोर �मसाउनु हँदैन । हाम�ले सफा पान� खानुपछ । वातावरण सफा
राख्यौँ भने हाम� �बराम� हँदैनौँ । हाम�ले फोहोरलाई पुनः �योग गनुर्पछ । हाम�ले सवार� साधन
कम �योग गनुर्पछ । फोहोर फाल्दा किहने र नकिहने करालाई फरक फरक भाडामा राख्नुपछ ।
हाम�ले बाटाबाटामा फोहोर राख्ने व्यवस्था �मलाउनुपछ । हाम�ले यसो गय� भने वातावरण सफा
र सुन्दर हुन्छ ।
– �रयान �म�ल
वातावरण सफा राखौँ
वातावरण सफा राख्न पिहले आफ्नो घर सफा राख्नुपछ । हाम�ले जथाभाब� फोहोर फाल्नु हँदैन।
धेरै पुरानो भएपिछ हाम�ले पे�ोलको मोटरगाड� चलाउनु हँदैन । हाम�ले सावर्ज�नक यातायात
चढ्नुपछ । फलफल र तरकार�को बो�ा जताततै फाल्नु हँदैन । त� बो�ाबाट हाम� मल बनाउन
सक्छौँ । हाम�ले वातावरण सफा राख्न रुख�बरुवा रोप्नुपछ । पुराना रुख काटेर नया रुख रोप्नुपछ ।
किहने र नकिहने फोहोर छ�ाएर राख्नुपछ । हाम�ले खोलामा ढल �मसाउनु हँदैन । यसर� हाम�ले
आफ्नो घरवरपरको वातावरण सफा राख्न सक्छौँ ।
- मायरा अ�वाल
My Trip to Mangalore
Hello! I am Nitisha. I study at Rato Bangala School. I went to Montessori Kinder-
world before I joined RBS. When I was in preschool my family and I traveled to
Mangalore. I did not know that Mangalore is in India. So I was excited about the
trip because it was my rst time visiting India. My family and I went to Mangalore
because my mom is a teacher and she had to take exams for Dental students.
My family and I stayed in a hotel. e moment I stepped into the hotel I was
shocked to see the hotel room. e hotel looked very old and it looked like an
ordinary guest house. I didn’t like it much! In the hotel, I met new friends. I don’t
remember their name but I remember that I had fun playing with them. We en-
joyed playing hopscotch. One day my mom and dad had to attend a conference.
So I had to go with them. But I met my mom’s friend, Aunt Karan. She took me
shopping so that I would not feel bored. My aunt also bought a lunch box for us.
We stayed in Mangalore for a week. A er a few days, I started admiring the hotel.
When we stayed there we went to a beach. ere were a lot of crabs. I was too
scared that my dad had to carry me. I built a sand castle over there. Waves in the
ocean were so strong that it swiped me. I was all wet! Once I was done playing on
the beach and getting wet we went to a restaurant. I ate Dosa, Biryani, Crab, and
Rice. At night, my family and Aunt Nidha, my mom’s friend, went to a Shiva Tem-
ple. e statue of Lord Shiva was beautiful. Water was owing out from the head.
It was time for us to return back. I got many gi s from my mom’s friends. I en-
joyed my trip a lot. e most favorite thing about the Mangalore visit was the
beach. My mom has promised that we will visit again.
by Nitisha Agrawal