Page 12 - Cornice_Grade 2
P. 12

Visit to Mad an
                                                                     Visit t
                                                                             o Mad
                                                                     Puraskaar Pustakalaya
                                                                     Puraskaar Pustakalaya
                                                                     As a part of the library study we visited many
                                                                     di erent libraries. On 21st December we vis-
                                                                     ited MPP (Madan Puraskaar Pustakalaya)
                                                                     and interviewed the sta , Mr. Rajeev Singh.
                                                                     He provided a lot of information about the li-
                                                                     brary. He said that the library was established
                                                                     in 1955 AD. It was established in memory of
                                                                     Madan Samsher JB Rana.  e purpose of
                                                                     opening this library  was to  preserve print-
                                                                     ed materials in the Nepali language. Kamal
          Mani Dixit established and owned the library once but later it was turned into an organization.  ere are
          46000 books in the library. MPP has books in di erent genres but all the books are in the Nepali language.
          All the books in the library are gi ed by authors and publishers. All the books are numbered and the books
          are arranged according to the numbers.  ere is no membership facility. If anybody wants to read the book
          they need to  ll out the form with the book’s details.  ey need to read the book in MPP only and return the
          book before they leave.  I like the building of the library. It is made from bamboo. I had a great experience
          visiting MPP.
                                                                                            by Saman Maharjan

          Trip to the Ha tchery

          On 11  November, we went to Balaju Hatchery to study the
          life cycle of a hen. We saw di erent machines over there.  e
          names of the machines are an incubator, hatching machine,
          and setter machine.  e main purpose of hatching incuba-
          tor machines was egg hatching.  ere are 8 setter incubator
          machines that hold 13,000 eggs in one go.  is machine runs
          for 18 hours per day for 2/3 weeks. Eggs come from farms
          and the weight of eggs must be 50-60 gms. Eggs are kept in a
          setter incubator and have to be kept for 18 days. Eggs should
          be shi ed from the setter machine to the hatching incubator. Chicks come out and are taken out from the
          machine and then a er being injected and packed in the boxes, they are delivered to the market. I really
          enjoyed the trip to the hatchery and learned how eggs hatch in an arti cial way.
                                                                                             by Nirvaan Bahety

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