Page 14 - Cornice_Grade 2
P. 14
Harves�ng and Thre shing
Har v es �ng and Thr e shing
A er taking various trips to the place where we transplanted the
rice plant, one day we noticed that the rice plant was ripened and
ready for harvesting. A er a few days, we took some gardening
tools and went to the rice eld for harvesting. Harvesting is the cut-
ting of crops a er they have ripened. So that they can be harvested
for grains. A er harvesting, we hit the rice plant hard on a stone
to separate the rice from the straw. is process is called threshing.
We then collected all the rice grains in a sack and brought them to
school. I really enjoyed the harvesting and threshing process.
by Kanchhit KC
Process of Winnowing
A er threshing we collected the rice seeds. Our teachers
noticed that there was soil, tiny rocks, cha , and other ma-
terials. So we needed to winnow. For this Miss Shilpa and
Miss Susanna gave everyone some seed on a plate. We tried
to take out unwanted things from the rice seeds. We col-
lected stones, cha pieces, empty grains, and weeds. en
Ms. Susanna collected seeds from each table and winnowed
them. She used ‘nanglo’ to winnow the threshed seeds.
by Ananya R.L. Rana
Pounding Process
Am ong the various processes of rice planting, pound-
ing is also one of the important processes of rice plant-
ing. in which the rice is separated from the cha . A er
the harvesting and threshing process, we went to Miss
Milan’s house for pounding. When we reached there
we saw a small traditional pounding machine which
is called Dhiki in Nepali. One Dai came with a sack
of rice grains. He taught us how to use the pounding
machine. Following the instructions given by him, we
put the rice grains in a small hole and pressed the oth-
er side with our feet. is separated the rice from the
cha . We all were very happy to see the rice. It was a great experience for me. ough it was di cult to press
the machine with our feet, I enjoyed it a lot.
by Abhiraj Rawal