Page 19 - Cornice_Grade 2
P. 19

Jomsom Cave (Genre: Personal N arra�ve)

                 A few months back, my dad planned a family trip to Jom-
                 som. We all were very excited to visit Jomsom. My father
                 booked tickets for all of us. A er a few days, we packed our
                 bags and headed towards the airport. First, we  ew to Pokha-
                 ra, by Buddha Air, then to Jomsom by Tara air.  e  ight of
                 Tara air was like a roller coaster. When we reached Jomsom,
                 we were surprised to see the amazing beauty of that place.
                 We were astonished to see mountains covered with snow. In
                 Jomsom, we stayed in a hotel called Kagbeni, where I met my
                 friend Shayan. Both of us were surprised to see each other.
                  e next day, we took a jeep and visited di erent places. Shayan’s family was also with us. First,
                 we went to Muktinath temple. While returning back, we went to the Kali Gandaki River to
                  nd Saligram, which is a fossil. I collected some fossils and kept them safe.   en we went to
                 Jhong cave. Jhong cave is one of the most amazing caves. It is situated on a high cli . When we
                 reached the caves, we climbed up some ladders, and then we climbed 3 or 4 more ladders. We
                 also saw more than 40 rooms.  ere was a hole in the cave so we went down the same ladder.
                 It was scary but somehow we managed to come down. A er that, we got in the jeep and went
                 back to the hotel. A er spending a night there, it was time to return back to  Kathmandu. It was
                 the most memorable trip I ever had.
                                                                                          by Sayujya Joshi
                 The Bubble Tea Island (Genre: Fic�on)

                 In Bubble Tea Island, there were three friends named, Buttercup, Rainbow, and Shooting Star.
                 Buttercup and Rainbow climbed on Shooting Star and  ew to the Magical Forest to explore.
                 On the way, they met some fairies who gave them extra food and wished them good luck.  en
                 they  ew to the unicorn town.  e unicorns sheltered them. But there was a large  ood on the
                 island from the midnight sea.  e  ood was known as the bubble tea  ood.  e three sadly
                 got separated. Buttercup got lost in the midnight ocean. Rainbow got lost in  ood. Shooting
                 Star was close to an active volcano.  ey were close to death. A unicorn named Tina had come
                 from Unicorn town to take a tour of the same island. She saw them and went to rescue them.
                 First, she went deep inside the Midnight ocean and saw that Buttercup was trapped in seaweed.
                 Tina pulled Buttercup to a shore. She took Buttercup to a safe place and went to rescue Rain-
                 bow.  e  ood was on its way back to the ocean. Tina heard Rainbow screaming for help. Tina
                 dived again into the ocean and pulled Rainbow to the shore. Tina heard some people talking
                 about an unconscious Shooting Star who was next to the volcano hill. She went there and saw
                 Shooting Star. Tina brought Shooting Star, Rainbow, and Buttercup back home. Tina took
                 good care of them so they recovered very quickly.  Soon they became best friends. Buttercup,
                 Rainbow, and Shooting Star decided to go for an adventurous trip to the Magical Forest again
                                                                as they could not explore all the places. Tina
                                                                also joined them.  ey were happy to meet
                                                                the kind fairies, dragons, and unicorns.
                                                                 ey were surprised to see the magical trees
                                                                that reached the heavens. A er exploring
                                                                the Magical Forest for a few days they all re-
                                                                turned home and wrote a story about their
                                                                adventure.  ey also planned another ad-
                                                                venturous trip with Tina.
                                                                                         by Eshanvi  apa

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