Page 24 - Cornice_Grade 2
P. 24
Our Imagina�on Beyond…
Imagination takes us anywhere. L et the imagination lead.
If I were a fish
If I were a sh, I would be wiggling, swigging, swirling, curving,
hurling, scurrying, chasing, crashing, and swimming around the
seaweed. I would play with my shy friends, and always stay in the
water and have a lot of fun. I will help all sea creatures if they are in
trouble. If I were a sh, I would like to be a shark because it makes a
big noise and it is big and no one can eat me. Even though I would
be a big sh in the ocean, I would not scare any other sea creatures,
instead, I would help them whenever they were in trouble. I would practice swimming so that the
Kraken would not catch me. I would be the most helpful and friendly sh in the sea.
by Surya Veer Agrawal
If I had a jar full of money
If I had a jar full of money, I would rst go to the bank and change
them into bills and use them to hire workers to collect trash from lakes.
I would clean the lakes so that many water animals will stay alive and
not die of pollution. I would also make an advertisement and make the
people aware of pollution. If I had a jar full of money, I would buy some
books and stationery and donate them to the children who really need
them. If I still have some money le , I would use it for myself. I would
buy things to create some cra work and some to buy clothes. I would
like to save some money so that I could ll up the jar again.
by Ayur Ishikita Pandey
If I were a bird
If I were a bird I would have two broad wings. My wings would
be blue in color and have black spots on them. My body will be
purple in color with light pink spots. I would have two brown
legs with black stripes. I would live in the hole of an oak tree.
I would drink ower nectar. I would never eat insects. I would
rather munch on leaves. I would have sharp eyesight. is will
help me to protect myself from other birds.
I would like to be a bird because I could y whenever I want and
I could see the beautiful world from the top. I can y wherever I want to. I would be a unique bird. So
I would not have any other members in my family. But I will need a family.
So I would visit my family. But I am sure they would not recognize me. at feeling makes me sad and
scared. I would try my best to tell them that I am Shambhawee but I can’t speak. I would only chirp. I
would show them the trick that I used to show them to give them a hint that I am their Shambhawee.
I am sure that will help them to know it’s me! If not they will still keep me as a pet. I would be happy
to be back with my family and I wish that they would let me y whenever I want to y.
by Shambhawee GC