Page 18 - Cornice_Grade 2
P. 18

A er school, Baby Rabbit went home. His parents asked, “How was your day?” “Not good!”
               said the Little Rabbit, “None of my friends played with me”. “Well, they might play with you to-
               morrow. Let’s see!” said Mommy rabbit. But the next day and the day a er were also the same.
               So, Baby Rabbit told his teacher, Miss Bun. Miss Bun told her friends to play with Little Rabbit
               and not to leave any friends alone. All his friends agreed.

                at day in Recess, Baby Rabbit’s friends Bin, Cutuwuty, Jerry, and Cutu played with him. A er
               that day Baby Rabbit was never lonely ever again.

               When Baby Rabbit got home Mommy Rabbit asked,” How was your day?” “Awesome!” replied
               Baby Rabbit. “Good!” said Mommy Rabbit.
                                                                                by Rebisha Karmacharya

                                        My Dog (Genre: Personal narr a�ve)

                                        My dog was six months old when I got him. His name is Chase. He
                                        is brown in colour. I got him because I was sad without a dog. Chase
                                        is a boy. His breed is a Cocker Spaniel. It is a hunting breed. When
                                        Chase was small he was so adorable. When I got him I was 6 years
                                        old. Chase does not like vegetables. He loves to eat chicken. He en-
                                        joys the treats I give him while he is training. Chase barks like crazy.
                                        But I still love him very very much. He has toys and this means a
                                        lot of toys. He likes his toys and plays with them. Chase needs good
                                        care because he is very little. He has 2 cages.  e  rst one was when
                                        he was a small puppy.  e other one is just right for him, We keep
                                        the bigger cage in the garden. He stays in his cage during the day-
               time.  e smaller cage is inside. It is like his bed, He sleeps in his smaller cage. My duty is to
               clean my dog’s poop. He is a year old now. He is my best buddy.
                                                                                      by Yuvani Shrestha
               All About Turkey (Genre: Non-Fic�on)

               Turkeys are really large birds.  ey are coloured red, gray,
               and white.  e head and neck are featherless, bumpy, and
               bright red.  ey have  at and small wings.  is stops them
               from  ying. Turkeys have large feet and sharp claws.  ey
               also have a  eshy  ap of skin above the beak, called a snood.

               Turkeys are found in Canada, America, and Mexico. Female
               Turkey digs 1 inch deep, 8 inches wide, and 9 inches long in
               the soil to build a nest.  ey make nests from dead leaves.

               Turkeys live in a  ock.  ey belong to the Meleagrididae family. Turkeys lay 10 to 14 eggs in
               a season. Female turkeys look a er eggs for 28 days until they are hatched. Baby turkeys are
               called chicks, and sometimes poults.

               Turkeys are omnivorous.  ey eat seeds, grains, insects, lizards, and small snakes.  ey also
               eat berries, wild grapes and small fruits. Turkeys have large fan-shaped tails.  ey can change
               the colour of their head depending on how calm or excited they are. Turkey’s poop determines
               whether they are male or female. Male poop is J-shaped and female poop is spiral-shaped.
                                                                                by Deevank Lal Shrestha

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