Page 13 - Cornice_Grade 2
P. 13

Successful Farm e rs

                                            We worked as far mers which helped us learn some basic
                                            farming and gardening skills. Enjoy our successful story
                                            of planting rice.

                                            Sowing Process

                                            On June 6, 2022, we went to the rice  eld. We saw a seedbed. Farmer
                                            dai was ready with some rice seeds. We used a gardening fork to make
          the soil so . We took turns to sow the seed. Sowing is the process of sprinkling seeds on the seedbed. A er
          sowing we  rst covered the seeds with soil.  en we covered it with hay. We covered the seedbed so that
          birds will not eat the seeds.
                                                                                     by Pemba Khandu Tamang

          Transplan�ng Process

          In June 2022, we went to the rice  eld again. We went to the  eld for the trans-
          plantation of the seedling. We noticed that near the seedbed there was a mud-
          dy puddle. It was actually a paddy  eld.  e farmer had already prepared the
          paddy  eld by pouring plenty of water. We stepped into the paddy  eld by
          taking turns. When I stepped in I felt scared. It seemed like it was too deep
          but I could feel the surface. It was sticky. We started transplanting by push-
          ing the seedling to the bottom of the mud. A er a while, the  eld was full of
          seedlings. It looked nice with baby plants. For snacks, we ate Dahi-chiura. It
          was rice transplanting day all over Nepal. Farmers celebrate the day by eating
                                                              by Kejash Lal Shrestha

                                                                         Weeding Process

                                                                         A er transplanting the rice plants, we
                                                                         made frequent trips to the rice  eld to
                                                                         see if the rice plants were growing well.
                                                                         While visiting this place, one day we
                                                                         noticed that some wild plants were also
                                                                         growing along with our rice plants. Our
                                                                         teachers told us that these were unwant-
                                                                         ed plants. So we removed the plants from
                                                                         the  eld.  is process is called weeding.
                                                                         It is the process of removing wild plants
                                                                         from place where they are not wanted.
                                                                         We followed this process twice. It is also
                                                                         a very important process of rice planta-
                                                                         tion and we enjoyed it a lot.
                                                                                         by Sambardhan Puri

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