Page 11 - Cornice_Grade 2
P. 11
Visit to RBS Library
On the 5th of December, Monday we visited the RBS library. We visited there as the librarian. e li-
brary is in the basement because it is quiet and has more space. We observed many new things and we
had some questions about the library. So the next day on 6th December we visited the library again.
We interviewed the librarian, Ms. Kanchan Rimal, and collected a lot of information about the library.
We found out that the RBS library was established in
1992 AD. Around 750 people visit the library every
week. Students, teachers, and sta members visit the
ere are more than 20,000 books in the library.
e library has all kinds of books like ction, non-
ction, encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographies,
course books, and other books. You might want to
know where these books
came from. Librarians
collect books from local bookshops. At times the principal and director
get books from other countries. Authors from other countries also bring
books when they visit RBS.
e librarians buy books according to the needs of students and teach-
ers. Librarians keep a record of the books on a computer. ey also use
computers to check in and check out the books. It is easy to nd the books
because they are kept in alphabetical order according to the authors’ sur-
names. You might ask why there are letters on the shelves. ose letters
help us to nd the books by the author’s surname.
Librarians read books to students. ey also help some students to choose books and to read them-
selves. Librarians keep the library in good condition and take care of the books.
by Avik Dahal
Trip to th e Pingal Library
During our Library Study, we visited a library named Pin-
gal Library. We visited this library twice. When we reached
the Pingal library, I was surprised that it was just next door
to Rato Bangala School. I saw that it was such a cozy li-
brary. On our rst visit, we noticed the things that were in
the library. On our next visit, we took an interview with the
librarian named Ram Dhakal. A er taking the interview,
we collected a lot of information about this library. We
came to know that Pingal library was established in 1999
AD for the children of this community. Pingal is a Newari word and in Newari, Pingal means a road.
Since this library is situated near the road, it is called Pingal. Ram sir opens the library at 4 PM and
closes at 6 PM. ere are around 2,000 books in this library and the English and Nepali books are kept
separately on di erent shelves. Children from the community come to read in this library. Children
are not allowed to take books from this library. e purpose of opening this library is to encourage the
children to read more. A er visiting this library, I came to know a lot of di erences between a school
library and a community library.I enjoyed taking the interview with the librarian.
by Samragyee Shrestha