Page 17 - Cornice_Grade 2
P. 17
Authors on Board
Penning down our thoughts
All About Pigeons (Genre: Non-Fic�on)
Physical Features
e color of the pigeon is blush gray with two black bands on the
wing and a black tip to the tail. e size is about 30cm. e wings
are pointed and long. eir claws are three toes pointing forward
and one toe pointing backward. ey have cone-shaped beaks
which are short, thick, and conical.
ey are mostly found in roofs, attics, cli s, ledges, and also forests. ey make nests using
leaves, sticks, and garbage.
Pigeons live in a ock. ey belong to the Columbidae family. ey
lay two eggs and both the female and male pigeons look a er the
eggs. e egg hatches 18 days a er incubation.
Food Habits
Pigeons eat insects like worms, ants, seeds, fruits, berries and veg-
etables, and grass.
Special Characteristics
Pigeons are highly sociable animals. ey are o en seen in a
ock of 20-30 birds. Pigeons mate for life and tend to raise two
chicks at the same time. Both female and male pigeons share the
responsibility of caring for and raising the young. Pigeons are
very intelligent. Because of their long wings and powerful ight
muscles, they are strong, swi iers.
by Aahana Kunwar
The Lonely Rabbit (Genre: Fic�on)
Once upon a time there lived a Baby Rabbit in a land called
Dio the Pio. His name was Bin. He lived in a rabbit hide.
In the morning Baby Rabbit was very excited because the
next day was his rst day of Kindergarten. So, he went to
his parent’s room and shouted in excitement, “Tomorrow is the rst day of my Kindergarten!”
e next morning, Baby Rabbit was so excited that he couldn’t eat his carrot for breakfast. He
nally le for his school. But he saw a big rabbit standing in front of the rabbit hide. He was
scared but he found that she was his teacher, Miss Bun. He went to his colorful bushy class-
room. He met his new friends. ey were Ben, Cutuwuty, Jerry, and Cutu. A er a few minutes,
it was recess. Bin played with Cutuwuty and Jerry played with Cut. But no one played with
Baby Rabbit.