Page 7 - MTCV2022
P. 7
I am strongly of the opinion that the Kapiti Wellington District was heading for a disaster with the LNI Project. Mick’s determined intervention, on behalf of his District’s Lodges, has without doubt, turned this around. He challenged the failing project
team and effected changes in the Board of the LNI Property Company resulting in
a full restructure and a new team, thus creating the opportunity to avoid failure. As Chairman of the new Board, I have seen at first hand, Mick’s invaluable contributions
to the project and I have experienced his dedication to the Lodges in his District. He has fully supported me in my role and has been a critical player in getting the project back on track, repairing relationships with investors and with Grand Lodge. He has also been the key to unlocking Masonic Capital that has previously been inaccessible and this has had a direct positive impact on driving the project forward.
- Chairman, LNI Masonic Property Limited
I have challenged inappropriate Masonic behaviour on several occasions. We need to stand up for our values strongly, consistently, and unashamedly.
Was instrumental in the removal of the obstructive tenant
at Hutt Road that was a barrier to the building of the Lodge rooms. This resulted in a nett saving to the project of $120k and the ability to start construction.
Personally raised $300K from a very reluctant Lodge for the Hutt Road Project overcoming many hurdles that were placed in the way.
Graeme Dingle Foundation: Worked with the Foundation leading a team on a program to pack and deliver Christmas Hampers into the less fortunate in the Community.
This has continued, and with the help of the Freemasons Charity, we have bought them a Media kit. This has resulted in them making a promotional video for us.
Established enduring community relationships with influential community groups and individuals.
Shifted the focus of our District projects from a Cheque Book Charity approach to an approach where we are getting into the community and utilising the skills of our Brethren.
Navigated the challenges provided in the last two years of COVID which have required elevated levels of decision making, organisation and flexibility together with the normal job requirements of a District Grand Master.