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                         Whiria te tangata – Weaving the people together
News and views – July 2024
   In this edition of our newsletter we include a story on National Volunteer Week. It was a special time to highlight and thank all
our incredible volunteers for everything they do for the patients and families our hospice cares for.
The theme this year was Whiria
te tangata – Weaving the people
together. I think this is a beautiful
way to think of everyone at the Hospice working together to provide the service that we do, to our patients, their families and whānau.
Also in May, four of our nurses were invited to present at the Palliative Care Nurses NZ Conference. This was a great
opportunity to make connections, share knowledge and learnings with colleagues across the sector. You
can read more about this on page 3.
We continue to be well supported by grant providers. Generous grants from Pelorus Trust & NZCT recently funded the purchase of new Smart TVs for our patient rooms, providing the ability for patients, family and whānau to share photos and connect with distant loved ones via video
      streaming. On a different note, we are thrilled to announce
that Te Omanga Hospice has been shortlisted for the 2024 Best Places to Work Awards. This recognition highlights our dedication to creating a dynamic, supportive, and engaging workplace for our people.
We are also one of the Finalists for the Wellington Airport Regional Community Awards – Hutt City. The awards recognise the valuable contribution volunteers make to community groups and organisations across the region.
The awards ceremonies will be held in September. Thank you to our incredible team for making this possible.
In May we held our Annual Street Appeal and were blown away with the result! This year raised a fantastic total of $38,175.57!
Every donation we receive makes a big difference to those in our community, and means we are here, free of charge, when people need us most. Thank you for your generosity.
We are incredibly grateful for all the support we receive, whether that is by making a monetary donation, purchasing a Day of Care, attending one of our events, holding an event to support our hospice, purchasing a brick in the Garden of Appreciation, or supporting in another way. However you choose to support us, thank you.
Your support means our patients can live every moment to the full, cherishing their time with loved ones.
Warmest regards
Biddy Harford MNZM Chief Executive
Te Omanga Hospice

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