P. 7
Our grateful thanks to the following who have recently supported our work with a generous grant, bequest, Day of Care, sponsorship or in-kind donation.
Advance Electrical Wholesalers Ltd (Upper Hutt)
Alfred Memelink Artspace Gallery
ANZ Commercial & Agri - Wellington
Apex Print & Design Aquaheat Industries Ltd
Armstrong Downes Commercial Ltd
Armstrong Prestige
BedsRus Thorndon Quay
Ben Hawan
BNI - Hutt City
Brady Dyer Photography
Broughton Electrical
Cambridge Asset Management
Chalet Caterers
Chris & Liz Boon
Circa Theatre
Craig Stone
Creative Mouse Design
Dave & Julie Dyer
Dilmah New Zealand Limited
Donovan Family Charitable Trust
E M Pharazyn Trust
Eastbourne-Bays Community Trust
Eftpos and Retail Solutions
Elaine Wallace
Elizabeth & Ken McDonald
Estate Of Aileen Isobel Billingham
Estate of Alison Jane Simpson
Estate of Benjamin Bousefield Creagh
Estate of David Joseph Cullen Estate of Elaine O’Connell Estate Of Gillian Sophia Watt
Estate of Glenda Carol Foster
Estate of Paul Francis James Clarke
Estate of Ronald Charles Sheppard
Faisandier Group Limited
Field & Green
Fix Federation
Frances Henrietta Muter Charitable Trust
Gee & Hickton Funeral Directors
Graham & Jennifer Wigley
Grant Henderson - Bayleys Real Estate
Harbour Asset Management Harford Apparel
Helen & Mike Williams Hiremaster Event and Party Ltd Howie Shoot
Ian McGregor & Sharon Hendry InterContinental
Ivan & Nancye Davis Charitable Trust
Jack Jeffs Charitable Trust Jane & Chris Martin
Jewel Petone
Jo & Matt Humphrey
Joe & Clare Whelan JT Property Wash Judi Ferguson Kapiti Heliworx Kapura
Kensway Property Consultants King Toyota
Kitchen Domain and Home Style Chocolates
La Bella Italia
Laurent Loudeac Lighthouse Cinema Petone
Lion NZ
Lizzie Beere
Lone Star Cafe & Bar Petone
Lower Hutt Events Centre
Lynette Hirst Ceramic Artist
Lynn Angus
Margaret Griffin
Martyn & Joanne Lockyer
Matt & Rebecca Reed
Maycroft Construction
Michael Williams Family Trust
Michelle Simpson
Mike & Gay O’Sullivan
Miki Szikszai
Mitre 10 MEGA Petone
Mokoia Masonic Perpetual Trust
Moonshine Rod & Custom Club / American Vehicle Day
Nancy Staples Nicki Slater
NME Electrical - Andrea & Anthony O’Connell
Norm & Shirley Williams
Nova Energy
O’Reilly’s Garage
PAK’nSave Petone
PAK’nSave Upper Hutt
Patricia O’Brien Charitable Trust Patrick Quirke & Michelle Luping Paul & Stefania May
Paul & Vanessa O’Reilly Paulas Home & Living - Kapiti Peak Electrical
Pelorus Trust
Peter & Judy Anderson
Peter & Julie Savage Placemakers Hutt City
QT Museum Hotel
Quality Demolition and Contracting Ltd
Ray Hyndman
Ray White Kemeys Brothers
Red Knights Firefighters Motorcycle Club
Red Pebble Event Design
Robert Dong (Black Gates Meek & Dong)
Rod Preston
Ron & Fran Dixon
Rudi & Barbara van Baarle - Van Baarle Construction
Russell and Betty Watt Sandy Kincaid
Sarah Searancke Catering Shane Rangihaeata Sherrington Jewellers Sheryl Edgar
Simon & Erina Potter
Steve Joll
Sumati Govind and Waka McKay
Sybil Lane Charitable Trust
Sydney & Ange Cumming Charitable Trust
Team Ledger Harcourts Teresa Quirke Collins
The Clegg Family Charitable Trust
Two Paddocks Ltd
Ty Gill - Ray White
Upper Hutt Club Inc.
Wellington Children’s Foundation
Wellington Racing Club Inc
Weta Digital
Wikki Wikki
Winton & Margaret Bear Charitable Trust
Z Energy
Matthew McCracken, Biddy Harford, John Morgan, Debbie Ferrel, Rod Gillespie and Grant Quinn celebrate the fantastic funds raised from the Te Omanga Hospice Golf Tournament in association with Kensway. Thank you to the Golf Committee and all those involved in making this event such a success.