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ABOUT US   MISSION                                                         CLIENTS

 Established  in  2015,  IMPERIUM  INDUSTRIES  NIG.  LTD.  is  a       The display of our clients is a reflection of the qualitative services of
 Our  mission  is  to  build  a  world  class  Machinery  and
 privately  owned  Indigenous  Military  Hardware  and  Machinery      Imperium Industries. They include but not limited to the following;
 Military Hardware manufacturing company that will be
 Manufacturer.  We  produce  a  variety  of  Armored  Personnel
 known  to  manufacture  top  notch  Machinery  and
 Carriers  (APCs),  Mine  Resistant  Ambush  Protected  Vehicles
 Military  Hardware  and  to  become  the  number  one
 (MRAPs), Light Tactical Vehicles, Surveillance Vehicles, Rockets,
 choice for the Defense sector and other stake holder
 Explosives,  Drones,  Mine  Rollers,  Remote  Weapon  Station,
 in and around Nigeria. We want to build a company
 Bulletproof Vest (Level IV),  Ballistic Helmets (Level IIIA), Military
 that can favorably compete with other leading brands
 Grade  Boots,  Weapons,  Floatation  Vests,  Military  and  Para-
 in the World.
 military Garments, etc. that are designed to provide effective

 protection in high-risk situations.

 Standing as our competitive advantage is our reliance on local

 content, in-depth understanding of technology and our relentless   VISION
 pursuit of innovative, optimal and cost-efficient solutions that

 assist our clients achieve sustainable results. All our equipment
 undergoes internationally recognized ballistics and impact tests,   Our vision is to establish a standard and world class

 with STANAG 3 certification for military tactical vehicles.   Military  Hardware  and  machinery  manufacturing

 We  are a leading provider of security solutions with a proven   company whose products and brand will not only be

 safety record; our vehicles and equipment are deployed by the   accepted in Nigeria but in Africa and around the World.
 armed forces and we take no chances when it comes to saving

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