Page 10 - English E-Module Transportation
P. 10

A. Definition of Transportation

                       Transportation is a tool/device that is usually used by humans to go or move
               from one place to another or to transport and move goods to the destination.

                 B. Types and examples of

               There are three types of transportation:

               1. Land Transportation

                  Land  transportation  is  transportation  used  by  humans  to  move  places  or

                  transport things on land.

                  Example: Car, Motorcycle, Bike, etc.

               2. Water Transportation

                  Water  transportation  is  transportation  that  humans  use  to  move  places  or

                  transport things in the water.

                  Example: Ship, Boat, Cruise, etc.

               3. Air Transportation

                  Air transportation is transportation that is used by humans to move places or

                  transport something in the air.

                  Example: Airplane, Helicopter, Air Balloon, etc.

                     Look and Say

              Look at the pictures below about transportation and then listen to your teacher and
              repeat after him/her

                                   It is a car.                       It is a motorcycle.

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