Page 22 - C:\Users\Carol & Lewis Klein\Documents\Flip PDF Professional\Chow Life - Fall 2018\
P. 22

Judges  Critiques

               by Michael Brantley, Class Judge                     by Holley McKay, Sweepstakes Judge

                                      I would like to thank       I want to thank the
                                      the membership              members of the
                                      for allowing me             Chow Chow Club
                                      the privilege and           Inc. for the honor
                                      honor of judging            of judging the 2018
                                      the 2018 Chow               Chow Chow Club
                                      Chow Club Inc               Inc. Sweepstakes. It
                                      National specialty.         was a pleasure to go
                                      Being involved for          over your beautiful
                                      my entire life as an        puppies, I had good
                                      exhibitor, handler          quality Chow Chow
                                      and most importantly        puppies with good
                                      a breeder, this was an      temperaments.
                                      amazing experience
                                      that I will never
                                                                  Best in Sweepstakes: Pendelton Zoltar
                                                                  This was a gorgeous black puppy that was just
                                                                  6 months old, this puppy was very square and
          I approached the assignment with the idea that
                                                                  balanced and had a nice head, not exaggerated,
          I would do my best to find the Chows that fit
                                                                  but very nice expression. He had a nice neck, top
          my vision of the standard, and ask myself which
                                                                  line and was a very good mover, really had a show
          ones I would want in my breeding program. I feel
                                                                  presence for such a young puppy.
          the winners I ended up selecting answered both
          those questions. Each of the winners in dogs and
          bitches including both reserve winners would be         Best Opposite in Sweepstakes: Barbary's Brilliant
          a great addition to any breeding program. Not           Southern Belle,
          only did they have the proper type standing,
                                                                  This was a beautiful shaded red puppy, again very
          more importantly they carried it through in their
                                                                  square with nice substance, good expression with
          movement. My veteran dog class was simply
                                                                  a nice top skull and good padding. She was a good
          amazing, and I had wished I didn’t have to pick a
                                                                  mover and had a show presence as well. Excellent
          winner as they were all wonderful.
                                                                  temperament on both Best and Best of Opposite
                                                                  in Sweepstakes.
          Best of Breed took my breath away as the ring
          filled with one beautiful chow after another. I
          am very pleased with how much the breed has             Best Veteran in Sweepstakes: GCHP CH Padow's
          improved over the years, with soundness of              Twilight Embrey in a New Moon at Asans
          movement, balance of leg and beautiful type             What can I say, this dog just gets better as he
          without being overdone and ponderous. I feel on         matures. Beautiful self red color, very square and
          any given day any of the winners from the awards        balanced, excellent movement. Coat in great
          of merit to best of breed are worthy of winning         condition, very deserving of Best Veteran.
          the National, but I had to decide which would win
          on the day. Just note my decision was a difficult
                                                                  Best of Opposite Sex Veteran: GCHB CH
          one that came down to very small details and I
                                                                  Sunburst Enchanted Kachina
          would be happy to have any of the winners in my
          kennel.                                                 Beautiful shaded red bitch, that was cobby and
                                                                  square with a beautiful headpiece, at 10 years old
                             This page sponsored by               she moved around the ring really nice.
                     Phil & Vicki DeGruy, Thunderhill Chow Chows

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