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AKC Delegate


          June 2018     by Margaret DiCorleto, Delegate

          I attended the AKC Delegates meeting June 11           Juniors. This is also something that regional clubs
          and 12, 2018 in Newark, NJ.                            with Junior members could offer as well as our
                                                                 parent club when we offer Junior membership.
          Highlights from the All-Breed Clubs committee
                                                                 Details can be found at
          that are relevant to CCCI:
          I presented the results of the so-called “stroller
                                                                 Highlights from the Parent Club committee:
          project.” Families with children in strollers at
          dog shows has been an issue for many clubs. The        Sheila Goffe from AKC Government Relations
          problem was presented at the December 2017             reminded delegates of the importance of being
          committee meeting and a subcommittee was               aware of anti-dog legislative initiatives in their
          formed to develop a handout that would help            states and communities. Her department tracks
          ensure the safety of children and dogs. The new        about 2,000 bills at the federal, state, and local
          handout called “Welcome to the Dog Show” is            levels. If an issue arises, clubs should contact GR
          now available for clubs to use at their shows and on   immediately for guidance. Election time is a good
          their websites. It is recommended that the handout     time to establish a relationship with candidates.
          be given to families coming into a show by a club      The Parent Club voted to support the “1+1=1”
          “greeter.”  I hope clubs will use the handout as one   proposal.
          way to help create a safe and welcoming experience
                                                                 The Museum of the Dog is moving to New York,
          for spectators. I think this would be useful for
                                                                 opening in January 2019. There will be changes in
          regional Chow clubs, especially those that hold
                                                                 the way donations to the museum are accepted in
          shows in conjunction with all-breed clubs. The
                                                                 the future with more attention paid to quality and
          handout has been distributed to all conformation
                                                                 possible duplication. Also, some items will not be
          club officers and can be found under Conformation
                                                                 moved from St. Louis to New York. The collection
          Exhibitor Resources and on the Club Resources
                                                                 will be evaluated, and some items will be discarded
                                                                 through a public auction process. Parent Clubs will
          Glenn Lycan from AKC staff reviewed the
                                                                 be made aware well in advance of any potential
          “1+1=1” proposal. What is being considered is
                                                                 sale. Proceeds will be spent on various aspects of
          to allow a maximum of one championship point
                                                                 museum operation.
          to be awarded to the Best of Winners when no
                                                                 The Bulldog Club is having a problem with
          points are awarded to Winners in either sex if the
                                                                 “exotic” colors being produced. It would like to
          combined number of regular class exhibitors for
                                                                 have standard/nonstandard color options on the
          both sexes meets or exceeds the minimum required
                                                                 registration form. The Parent Club supports the
          for one point for the sex/division where the event
                                                                 Bulldog Club proposal. (This is something CCCI
          is held.
                                                                 should follow closely in light of recent color issues
          Many of our regional clubs are struggling with low     in some Chows being registered.)
          entries so this proposal could definitely encourage
                                                                 JUNE 12: THE AKC FORUM: “Domestic
          exhibitors to show up even if there is only one dog
                                                                 Supply of Explosive Detection Dogs” presented
          or one bitch entered.  I will be looking for a Board
                                                                 by Dr. Carmen Battaglia, Mark Dunn, and Penny
          directive if this is brought to the delegates for a
                                                                 Leigh with a live demonstration by a detection dog.
                                                                 There has been a growing demand for detection
          There is a new Junior Ambassador Program
                                                                 dogs since 9/11 not just by the government,
          designed to encourage and recognize Juniors for
                                                                 but also by sports and entertainment venues,
                 their participation in club activities beyond
                                                                 universities and corporations. Currently, the supply
                 that of event participation. It gives clubs
                                                                 of dogs comes largely from Europe. There is now
                 more resources and outlets to engage
                                                                 interest in using some of the Sporting breeds such
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