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focus on

          Regional                             Regional Chow Clubs - Recognized Regional Chow Clubs will be allowed 400

                                               Words in Chow Life; Non-recognized clubs in an A or B status will be allowed 200
                 Clubs                         Words; and clubs which are neither recognized by the AKC nor in an A or B status,
                                               but have activities to report, may submit reports of those activities to be published
                                               at the discretion of the editor.

                          Chow Fanciers Association of Southern California

                          Joyce Miller, Secretary

            Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer         better. Thanks to Pam Gilevich, Lisa Gillespie and
            show season. Here is Southern California we back  Gail Stanley for selling tickets. I think the secret
            off a little on showing during the hot summer      to the success of our raffle is one, location. We set
            months since most of our venues are outdoors.      the raffle up at the end of our reserved grooming
            Just a little too hot for the Chows – and us too.   space where everyone can see it as they enter the
                                                               building. Two, we have items that anyone could
                                                               use, not just those that have Chows. A good num-
            Our spring Designated Specialty held over Me-      ber of our items are not dog related at all – Seiko
            morial Weekend in conjunction with the Mission     clock, garden cart, specialty food baskets, etc. This
            Circuit Cluster was once again a huge success. We  year we also held a separate raffle for a restored
            had a very nice entry for Judges Brian Meyer who   Tamarack crate donated by Kurt Williams and
            judged Breed and Sue Brough who judged our         restored by Bruce Gilevich.
            Puppy and Veteran Sweeps classes. Judge Meyer
            chose GCH Chowlamars Redcloud on the Road
            Again owned by Roy and Judy Bailey, Sheree         A busy day was capped off by our annual evening
            Chan and Zola Coogan. BOS was GCHB Chow-           BBQ at Don and Sue Avila’s rig. A menu of hot
            lamars Redcloud Dreamgirlz owned by Roy and        dogs, hamburgers, hot links with all the fixings
            Judy Bailey, Sheree Chan and Zola Coogan. WD/      was enjoyed by everyone.
            BOW came from the Bred-by Class, Asans N Pa-
            dows Twilights Emmett owned by Anita Sanders       Now we are planning for our winter Designated
            and Kurt Williams. WB was Rebelrun Califor-        Specialty held in conjunction with the Kennel
            nia Dreamin’ owned by Andy and Vicki Guillen.      Club of Palm Springs to be held on Saturday
            Judge Brough chose Asans N Padows Twilights        January 5, 2019. Reserve the date and make plans
            Emmett as Best in Sweeps and her Best Opposite     to attend. This is a beautiful time of year to enjoy
            was Pura Vida Djalo owned by Dr. Gail Forsythe.    Palm Springs and this beautiful show venue. Our
            This year we had no veteran entered. Trophies      judges for this specialty will be: Regular & Vet-
            were beautiful wooden and leather Chow motif       eran Classes: Mr. George Milutinovich of Fresno,
            etched items by local artist Roger Kibbee.         CA and Puppy & Veteran Sweepstakes Classes
                                                               – PHA Member and former Chow Handler –
                                                               Stephen Cabral. This is a 4 Day circuit beginning
            After judging we held a lunch for all exhibitors   with two Non-Sporting only shows. We hope to
            and guests. A big thanks goes to Derrick Ng, who   see you in the new year, January 3-6, 2019!
            is a member of the Redwood Coast Chow Chow
            Club, for stepping in and helping with the lunch
            preparation and setup. He even made us about 50
            tamales to contribute to the menu. We also held
            a huge raffle. Each year it seems to get bigger and

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