Page 16 - BB_Jan_2020
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                    FEA TURE AR

       Specialty Rooms

             Wanted by Millennial Home Buyers

         By Carmel Ford, NAHB

            A laundry room is the                                                       the most popular feature out
         most    popular   specialty                                                    of the 175 features listed in the
         room (anything other than                                                      report. Figure 1 lists out the top
         a bedroom, bathroom or                                                         ten specialty rooms wanted
         kitchen) among Millennial                                                      by  Millennials (sum of  the
         home buyers, with 86 percent                                                   desirable and essential/must
         of them reporting that it                                                      have shares; hover mouse over
         is a desirable (36 percent)                                                    bars for total shares).
         or  essential/must  have  (50                                                    Coming in second on the
         percent) room (Figure 1).                                                      most wanted specialty room
            This data comes from a                                                      list is a dining room: 77 percent
         recent NAHB report, What                                                       of Millennials want one (39
         Home Buyers Really Want                                                        percent consider it desirable
         (2019 Edition), which is based                                                 and 38 percent, an essential/
         on a survey asking recent                                                      must have).  After a dining
         and prospective home buyers                             room, the third most popular specialty room is a home
         about the features they want in a home and a community.   office, wanted by 67 percent of Millennials. Not far down
         Home buyers are asked to rank over 175 features (including   the list in fifth place, is the closely related ‘study/den/library’
         specialty rooms) on a four-tiered scale of do not want,   specialty room (63 percent of Millennials want this room).
         indifferent, desirable, and essential/must have.        These two items on the list indicate that Millennials want
            It is important to note that a laundry room is not only the   a space dedicated to work or school-related activities in a
         most popular specialty room among all home buyers, but   home.

       16                              JANUARY 2020  |  GREATER SAN ANTONIO BUILDERS ASSOCIATION
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