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UILDER of a Home Builder
2020 INTERNA TIONAL B January 20 | 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
To savvy home builders, “digital
In this three-hour advanced session,
transformation” isn’t just a buzz phrase; it’s a key you will:
growth mechanism. Gain greater insight into the opportunities to
With business environments constantly fully utilize the technological tools available to
changing and disruptive competitors coming enhance or operational processes.
from everywhere, technology has evolved to be Learn what digital transformation means for
highly accessible. That means a company’s digital your business, how to self-evaluate, how to
transformation involves embracing and leading initiate change and how technology plays a
with the unknown. Data is the new oil, and every part in your vision.
home building company needs to become a Increase your understanding of AI, and learn
data-driven company. how it can be used to enhance your company’s
Led by industry experts Al Trellis, Nicholas profit and operational performance.
Durault and Donny Couto, the NAHB International
Understand the importance of data mining
Builders’ Show® (IBS) Master Workshop The and learn how to better harness the data you
Digital Transformation of a Home Builder will are already collecting to make decisions.
focus on important changes in technology,
software and data that you can embrace if you
want to increase profits and stay ahead of your
Master Workshops are advanced three-hour
Topics discussed include artificial intelligence workshops that dig deep into specific industry
(AI), the pros and cons of interactive floor plans topics. This year, all Master Workshops will be held
and virtual reality (VR)/augmented reality on Monday, Jan. 20 — the day before the show
(AR), how software can improve operations, officially kicks off — and are open to all registered
overcoming the uncertainty and difficulty of attendees for an additional fee.
change, and more.
Learn more about of all the Master Workshops
offered at IBS at
Register now for IBS 2020 to take advantage of
Master Workshops and other valuable education