Page 166 - Face2Face Inter
P. 166
K No, it's a type of machine. It's ... er you ms L Well, why don't you do an intensive
put food and water in, then er you turn it course before you go? I'm sure the
on and it cuts up the food. ADAM Hello? company would pay for it.
L Do you mean a blender? LILY Hi, Adam. A Yes, that's not a bad idea.
K Oh yes, that's right. A blender. A Hi, Lily. How are things? L Have you talked to Mum and Dad about
L OK, the blenders are over there, on the L Oh, um not too bad, I suppose. But this?
top shelf. now the kids are at school, I've been A Er, no, not yet.
K Oh, OK, OK, thanks a lot. wondering what to do with my time. I get L Well, don't worry. I won't say anything
L Is there anything else you need? bored being at home all day on my own. until you decide what to do. I know
K Um, yes, er I don't know what it's called A So, er what choices do you have? they'll want you to go, though.
in English. Um, it's stuff for getting L Well, I could go back to teaching, but I'm A Yes, probably. Anyway, I'll call you when
marks off your clothes. thinking of doing another degree instead. I know what I'm doing. So, how's Billy
L Do you mean washing powder? A Really? Wow! getting on at his new school?
K No, it's a type of liquid. Um, you use it L Well, if I start teaching again, I'll be ms
when you get coffee or wine on your shirr. exhausted after a year. And I don't know
L Oh, you mean stain remover. That's on if I want to work in a school all day and I'll be exhausted after a year. -+ If I start
the second floor, in the Home Laundry then look after three children when I get te·aching again, I'll be exhausted after a year.
department. home. I if you do another degree -+ What will you
K Thanks very much. What's it called again? A What will you study if you do another study if you do another degree? I if you don't
' h •
. h'.
L Stain remover. degree? app ly soon-+ ou m1g t not get mt 1s year
K Thank you for your help. Goodbye. L I'd like to do fashion design. You know if you don't apply soon. I I'll be to·o old -+
L Goodbye. I've always been interested in that kind of But unless I do it soon, I'll be too old. I I'll
k •
thing. I've talked to a few colleges and I I• et you now -+ s soon as I ma e up my
LISA Hello again. Did you find what you
don't think it'll be a problem getting in.
were looking for? mind, I'll let you know. I until you decide
A Well, that's good. But you might not get
KATHARINA Oh, yes, thanks. But I'm still wh~t to do -+ I won't say anything until you
in this year if you don't apply soon. It's • •
looking for one or two other things. decide what to do.
already June.
L Well, can I help at all? What is it that you
L Yes, I know. 7
A What does Jack think?
K I ... I can't remember what they're called, you want them to be happy and successful -+
L Well, he's worried about the money side • • •
but you use them to mend your clothes. If you have children, you want them to be
of things. You know how expensive
Um, they're made of metal and they've happy and successful. I they don't develop in
got a hole in the end. university fees are nowadays. But unless I other ways -+ If children study all the time,
do it soon, I'll be too old.
L Oh, you mean needles. they don't develop in other ways. I they
A Well, have you asked Mum and Dad? • • • h • h
h • Id n't put too muc pressure on t em -+
K Yes, that's right, needles. s ou
They might lend you some money.
L They're over there, near the escalator. If parents want their children to be happy,
L Yes, that's a good idea. I'll ask them 8
You'll find all sorts of different types of they shouldn't put too much pressure on
before they go on holiday.
cotton there too. them. I pn:ise the effort they make -+ If you
A Anyway, I don't think you should worry
K Oh yes, I can see them. Thanks a lot. want to help your children, praise the
L Can I help you with anything else? about the money. I think you should do effort they make. I they can fe8el like they're
what will make you happy.
K Um, yes, just one more thing. Um ... I'm f; ilures -+ If you criticise chlldren for not
L Yes, you're probably right. As soon as I • . • d . d h f . '
sorry, I don't know the word for them. Er, gettmg goo gra es, t ey can eel like
make up my mind, I'll let you know. So,
you wear them when it's cold outside. they're failures.
how are things with you?
L Do you mean gloves, you know, you wear mg
A Yeah, good thanks. Actually, I've just
them on your hands?
been offered a new job.
K No, you wear them on your ears. They 1 If my children work hard, they get good
L Really? Where?
look like headphones. grades.
A Beijing.
L Oh, you mean ear muffs. They're on 2 If you fail the exam, you have to take it
L Really? Wow, that's fantastic news!
the ground floor, in the accessories agam.
What's the job?
department. 3 I'll text you if there's a problem.
A The same as I'm doing now, sales
K Right. Um, what are they called again? 4 We'll call you if we don't get there on
manager. They want me to set up a new
L Ear muffs. time.
sales team there.
K OK, well, thank you very much for all 5 If she doesn't call me, I worry.
L So, are you going to take it?
your help. 6 If I see him, I'll say hello.
L No problem. Have a nice day. A I don't know. I'm not sure I want to live
on the other side of the world. 10
K You too. L Oh, I'm sure you'll enjoy it when you get
m4 there. EDWARD Charlotte, are you very
A Maybe. I've got a meeting with my boss superstitious?
1 /d3/ journey, vegetable, July, dangerous CHARLOTTE No, not really. Why do you ask?
2 /j/ your, year, yet, onions on Monday about it. I'll make a decision E I'm reading a fascinating bo*ok called The
after I talk to him.
3 /ju:/ usually, huge, barbecue, music History of Superstitions. Did you know
L Well, I think you should take the job. You
that in Britain, people think that seeing a
might never get this kind of opportunity
black cat is goo d luck, but in nearly every
other country in the world it's bad luck?
A But I can't speak a word of Chinese.
; •