Page 6 - RDRA_2018_2022
P. 6

Message by the NEDA Regional

                                           The       Calabarzon      Regional
                                           Development Research Agenda 2018-
                                           2022  was  formulated  to  be  able  to
                                           respond to the policy requirements and
                                           technological  solutions  contained  in
                                           the Calabarzon Regional Development
                                           Plan  2017-2022.  The  document  aims
                                           to  guide  the  academe  and  research
                                           institutions to focus their research and
           development  activities  based  on  the  needs  of  the  Region  to  spur
           sustainable development and inclusive growth.

           The Calabarzon RDRA 2018-2022 is based on the priority sectors of the
           Region  which  include:  1)  industry  and  services,  2)  agriculture,  hunting,
           forestry and fishing, 3) infrastructure development, 4) social development,
           5) governance, and 6) ecology and environment. These sectors are critical
           that make Calabarzon one of the biggest economies in the country.

           This  document  hopes  to  be  a  catalyst  in  advancing  science  and
           technology, and promote innovations in the Region.

           I  thank  all  government  agencies  who  contributed  for  the  crafting  of  the
           RDRA and invite all scientists and researchers to focus all research and
           development  efforts  resulting  to  the  socio-economic  development
           of Calabarzon.

           LUIS G. BANUA
           Regional Director
           RDC Vice Chairperson

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