Page 8 - RDRA_2018_2022
P. 8


           AFMA         Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act
           AHFF         Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry and Fishing
           ASEAN        Association of Southeast Asian Nations
           BPLS         Business Permit and Licensing System
           CAAP         Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines
           Calabarzon  Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon provinces
           DA           Department of Agriculture
           DOTC         Department of Transportation and Communication
           GRDP         Gross Regional Domestic Product
           HEI          Higher Education Institution
           ICT          Information and Communications Technology
           IP           Intellectual Property
           IT-BPM       Information Technology and Business Process Management
           LCPC         Local Council for the Protection of Children
           LGU          Local Government Unit
           LTFRB        Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board
           LTO          Land Transportation Office
           MIMAROPA  Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon and Palawan Provinces
           MRFs         Material Recovery Facilities
           MSMEs        Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
           NCR          National Capital Region
           NEDA         National Economic and Development Authority
           NGA          National Government Agency
           NHRDA        National Health Research and Development Agenda
           NWCs         Next Wave Cities
           OFs          Overseas Filipinos
           PNR          Philippine National Railways
           PPA          Philippine Ports Authority
           PPDO         Provincial Planning and Development Office
           PSA          Philippine Statistics Authority
           PWD          People With Disability
           R&D          Research and Development
           RDC          Regional Development Council
           RDIP         Regional Development Investment Program
           RDRA         Regional Development Research Agenda
           RDP          Regional Development Plan
           RLA          Regional Line Agency
           RM           Result Matrix
           ROW          Right-of-Way
           RRC          Regional Research Committee
           RUHRA        Regional Unified Health Research Agenda
           SLFs         Sanitary Landfills

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