Page 24 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 24

•  Notify human resources to issue a final paycheck, pay any unused vacation
                              time, and terminate benefit coverage.
                          •  Arrange for a member of the security department to accompany the released
                              employee while they gather their personal belongings from the work area.
                          •  Inform all security personnel and anyone else who watches or monitors any
                              entrance point to ensure that the ex-employee does not attempt to reenter the
                              building without an escort.

               Figure 2.3 Ex-employees must return all company property

               Vendor, Consultant, and Contractor Controls

                       Vendor,  consultant,  and  contractor  controls  are  used  to  define  the  levels  of
               performance,  expectation,  compensation,  and  consequences  for  entities,  persons,  or
               organizations that are external to the primary organization. Often these controls are defined
               in a document or policy known as a service-level agreement (SLA).


                       Compliance  is  the  act  of  conforming  to  or  adhering  to  rules,  policies,  regulations,
               standards,  or  requirements.  It  is  related  to  whether  individual  employees  follow  company
               policy and perform their job tasks in accordance to defined procedures.


               Some partial definitions of privacy:

                   •  Active prevention of unauthorized access to information that is personally identifiable
                       (that is, data points that can be linked directly to a person or organization).
                   •  Freedom from unauthorized access to information deemed personal or confidential.
                   •  Freedom from being observed, monitored, or examined without consent or

               Many US regulations include privacy requirements. The following are a few examples:

                   •  Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
                   •  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX)
                   •  Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
                   •  EU’s Directive 95/46/EC (aka the Data Protection Directive)
                   •  Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

                                                 Security Governance

               ITEC106 – Systems Security                                       Mr. John Mark L. Dula
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