Page 15 - Test Luke
P. 15
After reporting the score in the PFDSF Individual Record Form, results can be
interpreted as follows:
Interpretation of PFDSF Scores
Level Stanine MDD RSM PFD
High 7 – 9 Indicates high degree Indicates a highly Indicates a high
of maladaptive and responsible and safe degree of
dysfunctional driving. driver. The driver is psychological fitness
The driver has high risk encouraged to drive. The driver
in committing driving continuously practice is mentally equipped
errors which may lead defensive driving to to course along the
to accidents. Further safely mobilize along road safely with
training or intervention Philippine roads. minimal risks of
is advised. driving errors.
Moderate 4 – 6 Indicates moderate Indicates a moderately Indicates a
degree of maladaptive responsible and safe moderate degree of
and dysfunctional driver. The driver can psychological fitness
driving. Although safely mobilize the to drive. The driver
equipped with essential road yet is advised to can safely course
driving skills, the driver examine one’s habits the road yet may
remains at risk with and practices in order need to improve
some maladaptive to minimize risks of some maladaptive
risky driving behaviors. accidents. driving habits and
engage in a more
responsible driving
Low 1 – 3 Indicates a low degree Indicates a poorly Indicates a low
of maladaptive and responsible and safe degree of
dysfunctional driving. driver. The driver is psychological fitness
The driver can avoid may need to undergo to drive. The driver
risky driving situations further training in order may not be ready to
and can adequately to mobilize safely and safely course the
adapt to the difficulty responsibly on the road and is
demands of the driving road. recommended to
task. undergo further
training and