Page 11 - Test Luke
P. 11


          With four hundred sixty-three (463) licensed professional and non-professional

          drivers from Metro Manila, the following table of norms have been devised for MDD,

          RSM, and PFD Overall Score. Check the equivalent percentile and stanine of the raw
          score and write them on the designated boxes on the individual record form.

          Table 1

          Table of Norms for Maladaptive and Dysfunctional Driving (MDD)

            Raw                             Raw                             Raw
           Score   Percentile  Stanine      Score   Percentile  Stanine     Score   Percentile  Stanine
            0-4       4         1            49       28                    75-76     52
            5-11      5                      50       29                    77-78     54
           12-22      6                      51       30                    79-80     55
           23-27      7                      52       31                     81       56
            28        8         2            53       32                     82       58
           29-31      9                    54-55      33                    83-84     60
            32        10                     56       34                    85-86     62
            33        11                   57-58      36                     87       63
            34        12                     59       37                     88       65
            35        13                     60       38                     89       67        6
            36        14                   61-62      39                     90       70
            37        15                     63       40                    91-92     72
            38        16        3            64       42                     93       74
            39        17                   65-66      43                     94       78
            40        18                     67       44                     95       79
           41-42      21                     68       45                     96       84
           43-44      23                   69-70      47                    97-98     92
            45        24                   71-72      48                     99       93        8
            46        26        4            73       49                    100       99        9
           47-48      27                     74       50

                               PSYCHOLOGICAL FITNESS TO DRIVE SCALE FOR FILIPINOS                      9
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16