Page 1 - Recommendations Trece BSIT - 1st
P. 1

Republic of the Philippines
                                        CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY

                                           Don Severino de las Alas Campus
                                                     Indang, Cavite

                                           AREA VII- Library

                         Summary of Findings and Recommendations

                                     CvSU- Trece Martires City Campus

                                            BS Information Technology
                                                    1  Survey Visit


                   1.  The  Organizational  structure  of  the  Campus  Library  is  precise.  It  is  directly
                       under the Office of the Campus Administrator.

                   2.  The  CvSU  has  an  Online  Library  which  serves  the  students  and  faculty
                       members remotely in the comfort of their own homes.

                   3.  Librarian/Staff are available during library hours to assist and provide library
                       services to users.

                   4.  Statistical data on the use of the library is available.

                   5.  The  library  has  a  functioning  and  operational  library  system  which  help  the
                       students  of  CvSU-  Trece  Martires  City  Campus  for  their  easy  retrieval  and
                       access to library resources.

               Areas Needing Improvement

                   1.  The Campus Librarian is not included in academic and administrative meetings
                       and events of the Campus.

                   2.  The space provided for the reading area in the Campus Library is inadequate.

                   3.  Seminars/trainings related to library science are lacking.

                   4.  No regular Library Committee meeting being conducted.

                   5.  Not all stakeholders are included in the library committee.

                   6.  The number of professional librarians are insufficient.

                                        ≈ CvSU – Trece Matires City Campus ≈
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