Page 3 - Recommendations Trece BSIT - 1st
P. 3
4. It is recommended that the CvSU- Trece Campus Library Committee conducts
its regular meeting either by limited/controlled face-to-face arrangement, using
a virtual/online platform, or a combination of both.
5. It is suggested that the Student Council President and the Campus Budget
Officer be included as members of Library Committee.
6. Appoint additional personnel to comply with library minimum requirements
which are one (1) full time librarian to two (2) staff/clerks for every 1,000
7. To comply with standards, more books copyrighted within the last five years
should be acquired. In addition, audiovisual materials related to the course may
be obtained.
8. Subscription to local and international journals may also be sustained.
9. The Administrators may allocate additional budget for purchasing of books,
journals, computers, audio-visual materials, etc.
10. Have a MOA to be signed by those who donated books and other instructional
materials to form part of the documents for linkages.
11. CCTV cameras may be installed inside the library to ensure the safety of the
library collection.
12. It is encouraged to repair, repaint, or replace worn-out library furniture.
13. Internet and Wi-Fi connections may be provided as an additional library
services for the students and faculty members.
14. It is suggested that the following standard furniture and equipment be provided:
magazine display shelves;
newspaper rack;
vertical file cabinet;
atlas stand;
bulletin board;
map and globe stand;
book trucks;
barcode reader;
photocopying machine; and
≈ CvSU – Trece Matires City Campus ≈
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