Page 2 - E-Book_Procedure Text_Putu Widia Antari Dewi
P. 2


                       All praise to God Almighty for the mercy and grace, so that the author can finish this
               E-book. I also express my gratitude to those who support the smooth running of this textbook

               from the writing process to the publishing process.

                       The E-book developed discusses the topic "Procedure Text" This has been finished to

               the fullest and best possible in order to be of benefit to readers who need information and

               knowledge.  In  this  book,  it  is  written  how  to  make  and  also  how  to  use  something
               sequentially. The procedure of how to make and use something in this book are explained in

               detail and easy to understand. In addition, examples and questions are also given to better
               understand this topic.

                       I realize there are still many shortcomings and mistakes which of course are far from

               perfect about this book. Therefore, criticism and suggestions have really helped me with the
               work of this material book so that I can continue to improve the quality of the book.

                       Therefore,  I  made  this  textbook,  with  the  hope  that  readers  can  understand  the
               information and also gain insight into and can be useful not only for students but for society

               in a broad sense. Thank you.

                                                                             Singaraja, 23 December 2022


                                                                                  Putu Widia Antari Dewi

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