Page 4 - E-Book_Procedure Text_Putu Widia Antari Dewi
P. 4

                   1.  Brief Description

                       In  this  teaching  material  will  be  discussed  on  the  topic  "Procedure  Text”.  This  is  a

               procedure or some step that need to be consider in  making  and also using something. Usually in

               this procedural text everything that we will do and will use must be explained in sequential and

               clear steps. In using this procedure text, we usually use a Sequencer a lot. Sequencer is a word

               that  manages  our  explanations  and  sentences  when  we  speak  or  write  in  English.  When  we
               explain something, when discussing or explaining an incident, of course we will need words like

               "first, second, next, next, then" and many others.

                   2.  Relevance
                       This Teaching Material contains material on the topic "Procedure Text". The discussion
               is  related  to  how  to  make  and  use  something.  Do  not  forget  that  various  examples  of  new

               vocabulary  are  also  provided  in  this  teaching  material.  After  learn  this  topic,  students  are

               expected to be able to explain how to make something and also using something that related to
               their  daily  life.  For  example  the  student  can  explain  how  to  make  a  food  (Fried  Noodle)  in

               sequentially  steps.  And  the  other  example  is  the  students  can  be  able  to  explain  how  to  use
               something (how to use vacuum cleaner).

                   3.  Learning Instruction
                       The  learning objectives of Teaching Materials are so that  students can understand and

               implement  properly  related  to  how  to  make  and  use  something  as  the  materials  today  is

               "Procedure Text” and are able to explain the steps how to make and use something sequentially.
               Here are learning instruction for studying this material:

                      1)  Understand each component of teaching materials from the initial component to the

                      2)  Understand the main and supporting material by reading and interpreting it.
                      3)  Reading  various  other  learning  resources  that  are  relevant  to  the  material  being


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