Page 67 - Women's Yellow Pages (2019)
P. 67

RESTAURANTS                                           SELF DEFENSE
            SQUARE CAFÉ *                                         Lioness Martial Arts
            1137 South Braddock Avenue                            PO Box 8310
            Pittsburgh, PA 15218                                  Pittsburgh, PA 15218
            Phone: 412-244-8002                                   Phone: 412-241-6519
            Fax: 412-244-8012                                     Email:
            Breakfast, lunch, catering & cafe rental.             Empowerment self-defense instruction for women and
                                                                  girls. Students learn skills to improve their safety, strength
                                                                  and confidence in a supportive environment. We also offer
            LA TAVOLA ITALIANA RESTAURANT & PIZZERIA              custom programs for businesses, schools, private groups
            1 Boggs Avenue                                        and individuals
            Pittsburgh, PA 15211
            Restaurant: 412-481-3336
            Take Out: 412-481-6627
            Joe and Carmela, the owners and managers of La Tavola
            Italiana, wish you the finest ad most enjoyable dining
            experience with your visit.
            Complete banquet and catering services are available     Empowering women with safety skills that increase confidence
            as well as specialty dishes by request. Special dietary
            concerns can be addressed. Whether the occasion is       and reduce fear and violence. Classes are taught by a certified
            a fund-raiser, birthday, first-communion, confirmation,   empowerment self-defense (ESD) instructor.
            rehearsal dinner, and your needs will be fulfilled tastefully.  |  412.241.6519

                                                                  SEMINARS AND SPEAKER
                                                                  JULIE ANN SULLIVAN*
                                                                  Phone: 724-942-0486
            SECRETARIAL SERVICES                                  Email: julieann@julieannsullivan.comJulie Ann Sullivan
                                                                  works with organizations that want to create a workplace
                                                                  environment where people are productive, creative and

                                                                  Does self-defense work?
            Record your thoughts or write them on a note
                  pad, I will transcribe them for you             YES! Self-defense training increases your options

            PATRICIA A. KALEY WRTING AND                          and helps you prepare responses to avoid, slow
            /TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES *                             down, de-escalate, or interrupt an attack, and also
            169 Pinewood Drive,                                   empowers one to prevent violence. It is important
            Bridgeville, PA 15017
            Phone: 412-319-7756                                   that the strategies and skills deal with the poten-
            Email:                        tial violence from acquaintances and intimates,
            Web:                             not only strangers. Women usually know their
            Home-based, owner-operated business, providing all
            virtual administrative support services, including résumé   attackers, therefore it is essential that a person is
            preparation, mailing list set-up and maintenance.     training in how to deal with the violence that can
            Transcription is our specialty; extensive experience   come from someoneyou know.
            working with authors from notes to submission.
            Let Kaley Service be YOUR personal secretary.         Is self-defense training a guarantee that you
            Owner-operated, virtual administrative support service.  will be safe?
            All administrative services provided, including transcription,   NO. There are no guarantees when it comes to
            résumé preparation, database and mailing list
            maintenance.                                          self-protection.
            Call for rates. Let Kaley Service be YOUR personal    Information obtained from-National Center on
            secretary.                                            Sexual and Domestic Violence

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