Page 92 - Women's Yellow Pages (2019)
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ADVOCACY SERVICES Western Pennsylvania Humane Society,
CENTER FOR FAMILY LIFE, Saturday and Sunday 10 - 5
Kathy Moore – Director Administration open Monday thru Friday 8:30 - 4:30 412-321-4625
125 North 5th Street, Indiana, PA 15701 Fallen Timber
724-463-8595; FAX: 724-463-8598 – 1680 Fallen Timber Rd.
The Center For Family Life, Inc. encourages and advances healthy Elizabeth PA 15037
relationships for families with children by providing education, ser- 412-751-2010
vices, and support. Open 10-5
Tuesday thru Sunday and Thursday until 7 PM
ANIMAL SERVICES At the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society, the area’s oldest and
ANIMAL SHELTERS / CARE largest animal welfare organization, we believe that every pet de-
Questions about adopting a parrot? Find information from: serves a loving home and the chance to be someone’s best friend.
Visit the Avian Welfare Coalition at Since 1874, we have been providing shelter and care for Pitts-
Pittsburgh Parrot Rescue burgh’s unwanted animals - over 129 years of matching wonderful
P.O. Box 97191 pets with wonderful people. Our goal is to make this region a better
Pittsburgh Pa. 15229 place for people and their pets, and in doing so we have developed
Consider adoption. Adopting a dog instead of buying one is the surest many innovative outreach and educational programs.
way to strike a blow against puppy mills. To find the perfect match,
you’ll want to choose the right one for you and your lifestyle. Animal AUTISM SERVICES
shelters have dozens of dogs, many of them purebreds, just waiting ABOARD ADVISORY BOARD ON AUTISM & RELATED DISOR-
for homes. DERS
A premier Pennsylvania Organization serving Pennsylvania families
ANIMAL ADVOCATES INC. since 1996 confronted with the challenges of Autism Spectrum Disor-
P.O. Box 8480 der (ASD) as well as the professionals who work with them.
Pittsburgh, PA 15220 What ABOARD Provides . . .
Phone: 412 928-9777 Families of newly diagnosed children with information and assistance
Email: to quickly navigate the systems towards receiving the required ser-
Patty at vices. Family Service Coordinators available for support, information,
Animal Advocates is an all volunteer Pittsburgh based animal protec- and assistance relating to education, advocacy, rights, and resources.
tion and animal rights organization. We are dedicated to ending the Information packets for families and professionals with personal and
suffering, exploitation and abuse of all animals. Our office is at 35 tailored information. The largest ASD support group network (now in
Wabash Avenue in the West End of Pittsburgh. 36 counties) that are financially supported by ABOARD. Accredited
educational conferences and workshops. A state-wide free lending
ANIMAL FRIENDS library of autism-related publications, books, videos and DVDs
412-847-7000 (phone) Website:
412-847-7001 (fax) 412.781.4116
Caryl Gates Gluck Resource Center 800.827.9385
562 Camp Horne Road Fax 412.781.4122
Pittsburgh, PA 15237 E-mail:
To ensure the well being of companion animals, while ending over-
population, abuse and unwarranted euthanasia.
Animal Friends, a premier companion animal resource center, is Tomorrow’s Future, Inc.
committed to nurturing and promoting the animal-human bond and Founder: Grace Robinson, State Farm Agent
creating a community where our relationship with companion animals
is guided by compassion. Executive Director: Danielle Howard
Tomorrow’s Future, Inc. is a Mentoring, Entrepreneur-
THE ANIMAL RESCUE LEAGUE OF WESTERN PA ial and Job Training Program for Teens. Our mission
6620 Hamilton Ave., is to equip young people with the basic communica-
Pittsburgh PA 15206
The Animal Rescue League operates 7 days a week. tion and employment skills needed to compete in
Please call 412-661-6452 for questions about your specific animal today’s marketplace.
needs.To provide temporary shelter, food, medical attention, and We are proudly celebrating our twentieth year and
comfort to all abandoned, neglected and injured animals brought to the many achievements of our Alumni. We currently
us by the community; to restore lost animals to their owners or seek
new homes for them, and to educate the public about the humane have some of our students working at our Agency. It
care of animals with a goal of reducing overpopulation. is great to see the growth of these students.
Grace Robinson founded Tomorrow’s Future, Inc. as
a way of giving back to the Community. We are proud
that one of our Interns developed our web page. We
chose to let him use his own creativity in this develop-
Visit our page at
We want to thank the community for their support of our
Non-Profit and our State Farm Insurance Agency