Page 87 - Women's Yellow Pages (2019)
P. 87
Womens Organizations
Will Work for Equality BETHLEHEM HAVEN
425 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1860, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-316-5623 x228
412-434-4883 Bethlehem Haven is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization providing a number of services including emergency shelter; transitional housing;
medical, dental, obstetrics and mental health services; as well as em-
ployment services to women in the Pittsburgh area. The Haven also
GOLD STAR WIVES OF AMERICA, INC. provides some medical, mental health and employment services
1-888-751-6350 to non-residents, including homeless men. Over the past 25 years, Bethlehem Haven has provided shelter to thousands of homeless women for over 9,000 consecutive nights. To visit the facility and tour
PO Box 361986, Birmingham, AL 35236 the Haven first-hand, please contact Caroline Woodward, Director
Gold Star Wives Of America, Inc. is a non-profit organization of of Development and PR, at or
military widows/widowers whose spouse died while on active duty in 412.316.5623x228.
the U.S. Armed Forces or from service-connected disabilities. This
military survivors’ organization has been serving war widows/widow-
ers from all conflicts and service-connected disabilities since it was
founded in 1945; a federal charter was received from Congress on WOMEN’S INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE FOR
December 4, 1980 under Public Law 96-497. There are currently PEACE AND FREEDOM
10,000 members nationwide, with over 60 active chapters including Phone: 412-521-7187
a chapter in Pittsburgh, PA. For more information, please contact us
at or call 1-888-751-6350. Gold Star Wives The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
of America, Inc. has a 501 (c) 4 status with the Internal Revenue (WILPF) is the oldest and largest international women’s peace or-
Service. ganization, working for world disarmament, full rights for women,
racial/economic justice; an end to all forms of violence, oppres-
LEGAL RESOURCES FOR WOMEN sion and discrimination. WILPF is represented in 40 countries
Legal Services - Legal Resources for Women (LRW) and more than 100 US communities. The local branch is now
Phone: 412-255-1246 Web: concentrating on counter-recruitment and planning to bring the
Services include: reduced rate attorneys, referral law line services, Eyes Wide Open exhibit (boots of soldiers who died in Iraq) to
individual legal consultation. LRW also holds an educational seminar Pittsburgh working with the American Friends Service Commit-
entitled, “Second Tuesday: What Every Woman Needs to Know About tee. Meetings second Monday of the month 7pm. Everybody
Divorce” addressing the legal, financial, and emotional aspects of welcome.
103 Courthouse Mercer, Pennsylvania 16137
724-662-3800; FAX 24-662-1530
An advocacy agency for Mercer County women
The Girls Coalition of Southwestern Pennsylvania is an emerging Dress for Success Pittsburgh promotes the economic independence
network of providers, funders and community leaders who are dedi- of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire, a network of
cated to improving the lives of girls in our region. The Coalition brings support, and the career development tools to help women thrive in work
together people and resources to educate, advocate and network and life. We have locations in downtown Pittsburgh, Uniontown, and
Washington County and will assist more than 3,000 women in SWPA in
on behalf of girls, but does not provide direct services to girls. It is 2013.
governed by a Steering Committee that meets monthly. See www. for more information. Dress for Success Pittsburgh provides: Professional Clothing
Assistance: For women referred to us for interview and employment
CODEPINK clothing
Women for Peace Professional Women’s Group: A job retention program that encourages professional and personal growth through educational workshops and
Phone: 412-389-3216 networking. Career Center: Provides women with resources to conduct
Codepink is a women initiated grassroots peace and social justice a comprehensive job search.
movement. Through creative and unique forms of protest and lob- We invite you to get involved as a volunteer, mentor, speaker or
bying, codepink is working to end the war in Iraq, stop the culture of committee member. You can help through hosting clothing or fundraising
militarism in United States, and redirect our resources into healthcare, drives, recruiting a group of volunteers to sort clothes in the boutique
education, and other life affirming activities. or mentoring a PWG member. Gently worn women’s work attire and
accessories are greatly appreciated.
YWCA GREATER PITTSBURGH Dress for Success Pittsburgh
305 Wood Street 5001 Baum Blvd #550, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-201-4204 - -
Phone: 412-391-5100