Page 85 - Women's Yellow Pages (2019)
P. 85
RENEE ALDRICH Is the founder
and director of Softer Side Seminars, an KATHERINE F.H. HEART, GPC,
empowerment and self-esteem building M.Ed. is President of Heart Resources, LLC at
program for women and girls. She is an, a mission-driven grant
award-winning writer, who freelances business with 16 years of experience working
for various publications including, the with community-based organizations, municipal-
Pitt Chronical, New Pittsburgh Courier, ities, universities, and grantmaking entities to im-
and has published in the Post-Gazette prove quality of life in Western PA. She earned the
first person. Grant Professional Certified (GPC) credential and
was the first person designated as an Approved
She is a published author of Notes from Trainer by the Grant Professionals Association.
the Softer Side, a book that encompasses She has assisted 50 organizations with project de-
the teachings of Softer Side Seminars. velopment, funder research, grant consulting and
She conducts empowerment groups, training, proposal writing, budgets, and reporting
hosts and annual events, and is a sought- – winning a total of $21+ million grant dollars.
after speaker and workshop facilitator.
Currently, Renee is a life skills coordina- She has presented grant seminars for the Carnegie
tor at a local women’s shelter. Library of Pittsburgh-Nonprofit Resource Center
and other organizations for 10 years. Katherine is
For the past 16 years, she has remained Co-Facilitator of the Grants Café, a free monthly
committed to empowering women to meetup group for everyone interested in grants at
recreate the way they see themselves.
Ms. Aldrich is the mother of two, and a ern-pa. Katherine is the author of an award-win-
proud new grandmother. ning book, GrantepreneurTM-Getting Started in
a Grant Career and Business (Red Engine Press,
If you get, give. If you learn, teach.
— Maya Angelou