Page 81 - Women's Yellow Pages (2019)
P. 81
On The Cover
DIANE POWELL, is the Chairperson ALHENA TORRES, I have created
for Pittsburgh - Black Women for Positive Wink Maid Services, a personalized service
Change, a global volunteer network. Ms. - where communication is our main tool.
Powell is widely recognized for her work We’ll handle that one-time special project
in violence prevention, women's empow- or that long term commitment. There is al-
erment and politics. She spearheaded the ways a “mess” to handle after residential
Pittsburgh Week of Non Violence and in or office “move in- move out”, renovations
2015, organized "Youth Speaks - a town hall and construction – or, just plain old regular
meeting with 150 high school students and cleaning!
law enforcement to ensure young people
had their voices heard and work to improve All of our employees are trained and highly
community-policing relationships. . Her qualified to provide you with cleaning and
efforts to promote Bw4PC's concept of col- organizing that meets your needs. We work
laboration of youth, faith leaders, schools, with top brands of cleaning supplies that are
law en-forcement and elected officials influ- environmentally friendly to you, your chil-
enced the creation of "Safer Together Pitts- dren, your pets, or your employees.
burgh," to facilitate racial reconciliation and
equity between the community and police. Wink Maid Services understands that each
A long-time advocate of women's rights, home is completely different and has spe-
Powell co-hosted the 2017 Women's March cial needs – We can meet those needs! We
in Pitts-burgh. She has also raised funds for provide free estimates, and our only com-
female political candidates and hosted voter mitment - to ensure we take care of your
ed-ucation and phone banks to increase vot- home the best way possible and the way
er turnout and African American participa- you like it.
tion in the election process. Diane is also a I attended Universidad Javeriana in Colum-
two-term trustee with the Carnegie Library bia and live in Pittsburgh with my husband
of Pittsburgh. and daughter
Women belong in all places where decisions are being made... It
shouldn't be that women are the exception."
— Ruth Bader Ginsburg, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court