Page 10 - Raycliff Mary Harris - A Family Enigma
P. 10

Honolulu in 1926. Once again, she gave different years of birth on both docu-
            ments. Perhaps her favorite vacation get-a-way was St. Petersburg, Florida as she

            visited there on more the one occasion.

            Raycliff Mary (Harris) (Cronin) Clemson
            died on March 23, 1930, while vacation-

            ing in St. Petersburg. She was 59 and it
            was 5 years after the death of her second
            husband, Clarence. The Tampa Bay
            Times announced her death as follows:                        Boston Globe Friday, March 28, 1930

            “Mrs. Raycliff Fisher Clemson, 57, winter
            visitor from Stoneham, Mass., died Sun-
            day afternoon at 6 o’clock at a local hotel
            following a brief illness. She had been in

            the city about two months.” The Boston
            Globe of Friday, March 28, 1930 re-
            ported: “CLEMSON – In St. Petersburg,
            Florida suddenly, Mrs. Rayclift Harris

            Clemson, widow of Clarence E. Clem-                      Tampa Bay Times, Tuesday, March 25, 1930
            son. Funeral from her late residence, 11
            Benton St., Stoneham. Friday, March 28 at 2 p.m.
            Relatives and friends invited.” Following her death

            in Florida, her body was escorted home by her
            nephew, Earl S. Collins. She was laid to rest in her
            mother and fathers cemetery plot located in Wild-
            wood Cemetery, Winchester, MA. Her second hus-

            band, Clarence E. Clemson, is also buried in the
            same plot. Her date of birth is etched into the
            gravestone as October 27, 1870

                                                                                Estate Probate Notice, April 11, 1918

                     Raycliff Harris Clemson Grave Marker

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