Page 21 - ICG Full Business Plan
P. 21
Technology Comparison
Iron Creek’s thermal technologies have a number of signi cant advantages over our closest “on-site” remedia on compe on which u lizes coven onal rotary kiln technology. Below, is a list of these advantages.
Lower Emissions
Global warming is a growing concern for countries around the world. Iron Creek’s lastest emerging technology, The TECH-ZERO operates in a zero oxygen environment which allows for the cooling, condensing, and recovery of desorbed materials. This nearly eliminates emissions while genera ng clean, reusable materials. By recovering materials, the TECH ZERO produces only a frac on (less than 1%) of the greenhouse gases that conven onal technologies produce.
Materials Recovery
All of Iron Creek’s technologies are capable of materials recovery. This ability is uncommon among and much more di cult for our compe on. Direct- red rotary kilns do not have the ability to recover materials. Iron Creek is able to cleanup a drill cu ngs waste pit and provide recovered oil back to the client.
Materials Handling
Unlike the compe on, Iron Creek’s technologies do not require any mechanical separa on or pre-screening of soils/materials. This simpli es opera ons, reduces costs, and eliminates the genera on of reject soils/materials.
Easily Transported
IronCreek’stechnologiesare90%lessexpensivetotransportthanconven onaltechnologies. Thisallowsformobiliza onintoareasthatarecost prohibi ve and/or impossible for the comple on.
High Thermal E ciency
In simple form, Iron Creek’s technologies are more e cient because they “vaporize vs boil” contaminants.
Our technologies have a CAPEX/ton ra o that is unmatched in the industry. This is due primarily to the simplicity of our designs which are easier tooperateandrequirelessmanpower. OurCAPEXrequirmentsaretypically70%-85%lessthanconven onaltechnologies.