Page 3 - ICG Full Business Plan
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Executive Summary
Specializing in thermal remediation for the most challenging environments
Iron Creek Group, Inc is a Canadian based company with o c- es in Calgary, Alberta Canada and Bellingham, Washington USA. Iron Creek provides cost-e ec ve, thermal remedia on of con- taminated soils, sludges, and other materials.
Our revolu onary technologies o er an alterna ve to con- ven onal Thermal Desorp on Units (TDU’s) for the cleanup of oil spills, pipeline leaks, produc on and legacy wastes. Our all-weather technologies are easy to transport, setup, and op- erate - making them viable op ons for the most challenging of loca ons. Our vast logis cal experience allow us to assist clients to meet their remedial goals anywhere in the world.
Iron Creek Group was formed in 2015 with the vision of delivering cost e ec ve remedia on across the globe. The genesis of over 75 years of combined industry experience provides Iron Creek with a diverse background in remedia on and site restora on.
Without ques on, thermal desorp on is the most proven, reli- able method for acheiving cleanup criteria on contaminated sites within  xed  melines and short weather windows. What sets Iron Creek apart from our compe tors is our ability to deliver thermal desorp on services at pricing that is compe  ve with land ll disposal. This is uncommon within the industry.
Our thermal technologies include Enhanced Thermal Conduc on (ETC) and M1 Infrared Thermal. Both technologies are “batch” processes that require very few moving parts, unlike large TDU’s, which require a constant feed of screened material, mainte- nance, and repairs.
Within a mul -billion dollar industry, Iron Creek owns at least two of the most cost e ec ve proprietary technologies available. Our goal is to create industry awareness of our abili es and po- si on the company for exponen al growth over the next 5 years.
We are building the “Iron Creek” brand to represent integrity, quality, safety, and performance. To date, we have built on this brand and these characteris cs make up our reputa on.
Since its forma on, Iron Creek has successfully completed clean- up projects, proven pro t margins, and manufactured our tech- nologies at a CAPEX that is 75% lower than conven onal technol- ogies. Iron Creek’s technologies are able to operate at a direct cost structure of 44% of revenue, versus the industry’s 63%.
Iron Creek has recently developed its next-genera on thermal technology - the TECH ZERO. Pilot plant trials have been success- fully completed, and a provisional patent applica on has been  led. The TECH ZERO further reduces direct costs and reduces CAPEX to about 15% of conven onal technologies.
$$ required and current  nancial status Outline of our strategy

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