Page 4 - ICG Full Business Plan
P. 4
Company Description
Mission Statement
To become a recognized and trusted leader in the environmental cleanup and response industry
Business Philosophy
We believe it is our duty to use our exper se to help reverse some of the environmental damage that has been done over me. We know that our future depends on our commitment and ability to develop and operate sustainable systems to protect humans’ health and living environment and to add value to the communi es in which we operate.
Along with Iron Creek’s business considera ons, our social responsibility forms an integral part in our opera ons. We believe the princi- ples of sustainable development encompass these essen al objec ves:
• The conserva on and preserva on of natural resources,
• The equitable sharing of the bene ts of economic ac vity, and
• The enhancement of humans’ well-being.
We enjoy what we do, and as we build successful business, we want to build posi ve, long-term rela onships with our clients, partners, and the communi es in which we operate.
Iron Creek Disciplines
• Oil eld & Re nery Services
• Site Remedia on
• Materials/Energy Recovery
• Thermal Technologies Development
The Industry
The thermal remedia on industry is fairly fragmented cconsis ng almost en rely of small companies (US$2-20 million sales). These companies had their origins in the market created by legisla on in the last 15 years. Their primary ac vity is removing hydrocarbon con- tamina on from soil through tradi onal rotary kiln technology – hea ng of contaminated soil as it “tumbles” in rotary kilns to vola lize the contaminant. A er rapid expansion in the last 15 years, they now face substan al increases in energy costs, their largest opera ng expense.
Legal form of ownership
Iron Creek Group, Inc. is a Canadian Corpora on with it’s headquarters in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.