Page 5 - ICG Full Business Plan
P. 5

Company Description
Company Goals and Objec ves
Below, is an outline our strategic and tac cal goals for the next 3 years and cri cal paths of achievement.
1. Secure a minimum of three projects in Canada for 2016
2. Secure a minimum of one interna onal project for 2016
3. Begin the permi ng & construc on of a  xed facility in Goose Bay 2016
4. Establish the equipment and working capital for these 2016 projects
5. Complete the R&D/Tes ng of the TECH Z and launch it commercially
6. Build an array of branding/marke ng materials
7. Begin mee ng with Emergency Response Planners in the U.S. & Canada
8. Achieve pro t 35-50% pro t margins
1. Secure a minimum of four projects in Canada for 2017
2. Begin opera ons of our Goose Bay  xed facility 2017
3. Secure a minimum of two interna onal projects for 2017
4. Begin on-site work in Kazakhstan
5. Begin the permi ng & construc on of two  xed facility in Israel 2017
6. Establish the equipment and working capital for these 2017 projects
7. Establish the Iron Creek “warroom”.
8. Become part of an ER network with spill equipment on reserve
1. Secure a minimum of six projects in Canada for 2018
2. Secure a minimum of four interna onal projects for 2018
3. Double our on-site work in Kazakhstan
4. Begin opera ons of our two  xed facility in Israel 2018
5. Establish the equipment and working capital for these 2018 projects
6. Perform on an ER spill response
Iron Creek Plan
In the thermal remedia on industry, there is no single “silver bullet” that is able to remediate every waste at any loca on, however, ther- mal technologies are able to treat a broad range of wastes within a short amount of  me. Iron Creek proposes a strategy to capitalize on the unique combina on of our technologies and current market condi ons to compete aggressively in the industry for new business.
Do date, in Canada for expample, what we have found is that we are well received. Companies have a genuine interest in using our technologies. Un l now, companies simply didn’t know about us or our technologies. Although our technologies have been used in the U.S. and around the world, that had not been previously introduced to the Canadian market. Iron Creek needs more industry exposure in order to be successful. This plan describes the details of how we will acheive that exposure.

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