ICG One Page Brochure
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Specializing in thermal remediation for the most challenging environments
Iron Creek Group specializes in thermal remediation for the most challenging environments. Our revolutionary, all-weather technologies and vast logistical experience allow us to assist clients to meet their remedial goals anywhere in the world.
Iron Creek Group Inc. was formed with the vision of delivering cost e ective and proven thermal remedial technologies for en- vironmental challenges across the globe. The genesis of over 75 years of combined industry experience provides Iron Creek with the diverse background to understand the complexities associa- ted with remediation and the associated restoration activities.
Our unique technologies demonstrate a committment to chal- lenging the thermal remediation paradigm while taking advan- tage of the many positive attributes of the thermal desorption process - one of the most reliable methods for acheiving clea- nup criteria within xed timelines and short weather windows.
Our current proprietary thermal technologies include:
• Enhanced Thermal Conduction
• Infrared Thermal
• TECH ZERO Thermal (a new technology)
Performance-based agreements provide our clients with the con dence that their projects will be completed on time, on budget, and below required closure guidelines. We prefer to set the performance standard by reaching cleanup cri- teria rst, and invoicing the client second.
Contingent liability associated with our client’s remedial challenges is eliminated through our thermal treatment proces- ses. Once post treatment closure guidelines are met, the ther- mally treated materials can be used as clean back ll.
Remote cleanups demonstrate our considerable logistical capability and experience. We’ve had the opportunity to be involved in high-pro le, remote projects ranging from isolated islands in Alaska to Canada’s far north and even Antarctica. The scalable nature of our technology is perfectly suited to deploy to the most remote regions on earth and we thrive on the challen- ges presented by operating in these environments.
Safety is built in to all our operations from the very start of our project planning to the end of our demobilizations. For us, it’s not just a company requirement, it’s an embedded culture. From our most senior management to our on-site work crews, our entire company strives to nd ways to work both smarter and safer.
We understand the challenges that our clients face in trying to identify and deploy successful remedial options to manage impacted sites. Iron Creek’s combination of innovative technologies and cost e ective processes make our thermal treatment a preferred solution for clients looking to e ectively eliminate environmental liability from their portfolio.
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