Page 14 - Vikram Solar Corporate Brochure
P. 14

14                                                                  VIKRAM  SOLAR   CREATING  CLIMATE  FOR  CHANGE

                             VIKRAM SOLAR MILESTONES

                             14 YEARS

                             OF VIKRAM


                                    Vikram Solar               Vikram Solar               1st 40 MW plant
                                    established by the         production                 commissioned
                                    Vikram Group               capacity doubled           in Rajasthan

                                 2006                       2010                        2013

                                         2009                     2011                      2014

                                           First                    3 MW installed            Ranked as India‘s
                                           international            under the                 only Tier 1 module
                                           utility-scale            National Solar            manufacturer
                                           EPC project              Mission of India          (Bloomberg)
                                           in Germany                                         India‘s 1st floating
                                                                                              solar plant
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