Page 15 - Vikram Solar Corporate Brochure
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               Since its establishment as a solar PV module manufacturer

               in 2006, Vikram Solar has been driven by providing excellent

               quality both in India and globally, and our hard-work and

               passion for solar energy has paid off.

               In 2014, we were named as a TIER 1 manufacturer by

               Bloomberg New Energy Finance and continue to supply the

               international solar industry with world-class solutions

               'Made in India'.

                Introduced industry           1 GW of production                200 MW plant
                leading 27 years of           capacity reached                  commissioned in
                linear performance            Top performance ranking           Andhra Pradesh
                warranty on modules           modules in DNV GL PQP             Awarded with Best

                Completion of India‘s         130 MW plant                      Contribution in Solar
                largest airport rooftop       commissioned in                   Energy Award by MNRE
                installation of 2 MW                                            Minister at CBIP Awards
             2015                           2017                             2019

                    2016                         2018                               2020

                       Vikram Solar                 MoU with French Alternative       3rd  Time Top Performer in
                       reaches                      Energy and Atomic Energy          PVEL PQP list
                       500 MW                       Commission for R&D                Launch of Multi Busbar
                       production                   Launch of smart module            module with up to 21.02%
                       capacity in                  series SOLIVO                     efficiency^
                       new fab
                                                    Launch of high efficiency         Awarded with 300 MW of
                                                    Half-Cell module                  EPC project by NTPC India

                                                                                              ^Commercially available from Q3 FY 20-21
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