Page 2 - Listening Supplementary for X Grade Agricutural Vocational Highschool
P. 2



                             This      e-Module            serves        as      supplementary

              material for the English subject in high school,

              specifically for Grade X. Its purpose is to address the
              students' needs for accessible and portable reading

              and writing materials that can be utilized at any

              time and location. Moreover, the module aims to
              create an engaging and collaborative learning

              experience for students.

                             Unlike traditional methods, the e-Module

              employs            the       Flipped          Classroom.             The        Flipped

              Classroom             method            involves         students           accessing

              instructional content online outside the classroom,
              allowing in-class time to be dedicated to interactive

              and collaborative activities. This method encourages

              a more student-centric learning experience.

                             The       e-Module            content         is     structured           to

              facilitate effective learning through the Flipped

              Classroom approach. The material is organized into
              various stages, including Pre-Class Preparation, In-

              Class Engagement, Collaborative Construction, and

              Individual            Application.            Each         stage         emphasizes
              interactive strategies, learning cycles, and student

              interactions to enhance the learning process.
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