Page 6 - Listening Supplementary for X Grade Agricutural Vocational Highschool
P. 6


                  Announcement Objective

              Objective 1: Enhance Communication Skills The primary

                   objective of the audio announcement unit is to
                   develop and enhance communication skills among

                   participants. Through this unit, learners will practice

                   clear articulation, effective tone modulation, and
                   concise messaging, fostering the ability to convey

                   information audibly and comprehensibly.

              Objective 2: Promote Information Dissemination The

                   unit aims to instill the importance of effective

                   information                dissemination                 through              audio
                   announcements. Participants will learn to structure

                   announcements logically, prioritize key details, and

                   utilize        appropriate              language,            ensuring           that

                   information is delivered in a manner that is easily
                   understood and retained by the intended audience.

              Objective 3: Cultivate Confidence in Public Speaking A
                   key goal of the audio announcement unit is to

                   cultivate confidence in public speaking. Participants

                   will       engage           in      various          speaking           exercises,

                   progressively building their confidence in delivering
                   announcements to an audience. This objective seeks

                   to     empower            individuals          to     express        themselves

                   confidently and assertively in public settings.
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