Page 25 - ISI BUKU SULAWESI BARAT 20-09-2024
P. 25

Kemudian yang tidak kalah penting, investasi juga     Furthermore, and no less important, investment also
           memiliki dampak ganda (multiplier effect), terutama   has a multiplier effect, especially in reducing poverty and
           untuk menekan angka kemiskinan dan pengangguran.      unemployment rates. Investments are also expected to
           Investasi juga diharapkan dapat mendorong hilirisasi   drive downstream and industrialization processes, to
           dan industrialisasi, demi memberikan nilai tambah dan   provide added value and avoid large-scale exploitation
           menghindari eksploitasi sumber daya alam (SDA) secara   of natural resources, which could potentially harm the
           besar-besaran yang berpotensi merusak lingkungan.     environment.

           Dalam upaya meningkatkan geliat investasi di wilayahnya,   In its efforts to increase investment activity in the region,
           Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Barat berpedoman pada    the West Sulawesi Provincial Government adheres to
           tujuh prinsip investasi berkeadilan; yang tidak hanya   seven principles of equitable investment. These principles
           bertujuan untuk menguntungkan para investor, namun    aim not only to benefit investors but also to contribute to
           juga berkontribusi terhadap perekonomian daerah dan   the local economy and the welfare of the community.
           kesejahteraan masyarakat.

           Prinsip-prinsip Investasi berkeadilan diyakini juga   The principles of equitable investment are believed to
           akan mampu mendorong terwujudnya pemerataan           also promote the realization of balanced development
           pembangunan di seluruh wilayah Provinsi Sulawesi Barat.   across the entire West Sulawesi Province. Meanwhile, for
           Sementara bagi perusahaan, investasi berkeadilan akan   companies, equitable investment will serve as a catalyst
           menjadi katalis untuk pengembangan, pertumbuhan, dan   for business development, growth, and sustainability.
           keberlanjutan usaha.

           Melalui tujuh prinsip investasi berkeadilan, Pemerintah   Through the seven principles of equitable investment,
           Provinsi Sulawesi Barat bertekad untuk mewujudkan visi   the West Sulawesi Provincial Government is determined
           besar, Sulawesi Barat Maju dan Malaqbiq.              to realize the big vision, Advanced and Malaqbiq West

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