Page 38 - ISI BUKU SULAWESI BARAT 20-09-2024
P. 38

2.  Meningkatnya Realisasi Penanaman Modal, ditandai   2.  Increased Investment Realization, characterized by
              peningakatan nilai realisasi penanaman modal,         an increase in the value of investment realization,
              walaupun target yang ditetapkan memang sangat         although the target set is very low but still optimistic
              rendah tetapi tetap optimis akan geliat investasi     about the stretch of investment with the resources
              dengan sumber daya yang dimiliki. Target tersebut     available. The target is assumed with global economic
              diasumsikan dengan kondisi perekonomian global        conditions getting better due to the COVID-19
              semakin membaik akibat pandemi COVID-19 yang          pandemic which has entered a phase of deceleration
              sudah memasuki fase deselerasi menuju endemi          towards an endemic along with improvements in
              seiring dengan perbaikan sektor usaha baik dalam      the business sector both domestic and foreign.
              maupun luar negeri. Sedangkan sasaran startegis       Meanwhile, the strategic targets of the supporting
              tersebut program yang mendukung diantaranya:          programs include:
           a)  Program Pengendalian Pelaksanaan Penanaman        a)  Investment Implementation Control Program, and
              Modal; dan                                         b)  Data Management and Investment Information
           b)  Program Pengelolaan Data Dan Sistem informasi        System Program.
              Penanaman Modal.

           Tujuan 2 : Meningkatkan Kualitas Tata Kelola          Objective 2: Improve the Quality of Organizational
           Organisasi Lingkup DPMPTSP.                           Governance in the Scope of DPMPTSP.
           Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, ada 1 (satu) sasaran   In order to achieve these objectives, there are 1 (one)
           strategis yaitu:                                      strategic target, namely:

           Meningkatnya Kualitas Tata Kelola Organisasi Lingkup   Improving the Quality of Organizational Governance
           DPMPTSP, yang ditandai dengan Perbaikan nilai         in the DPMPTSP Scope, which is characterized by
           Reformasi Birokrasi Lingkup Pemprov Sulawesi Barat    Improving the value of Bureaucratic Reform in the West
           yang dilaksakanan oleh inspektorat. Sasaran strategis   Sulawesi Provincial Government Scope carried out by
           ini didukung oleh 1 program yaitu Program Penunjang   the inspectorate. This strategic goal is supported by
           Urusan Pemerintah Daerah. Adapun sasaran strategis    1 program, namely the Regional Government Affairs
           dari program penunjang urusan pemerintahan daerah     Support Program. The strategic objectives of the regional
           yang ingin dicapai adalah :                           government affairs support program to be achieved are:
           a)  Meningkatnya nilai SAKIP lingkup DPMPTSP;         a)  Increased SAKIP value within the scope of DPMPTSP
           b)  Meningkatnya tata kelola manajemen ASN lingkup    b)  Improved ASN management governance within the
              DPMPTSP;                                              scope of DPMPTSP
           c)  Meningkatnya nilai rapor SPBE Lingkup DPMPTSP; dan  c)  Increasing the SPBE report card score of the DPMPTSP
           d)  Meningkatnya capaian kinerja anggaran lingkup        Scope, and
              DPMPTSP.                                           d)  Improved Budget Performance Achievement within
                                                                    the Scope of DPMPTSP

           Pengejawantahan dari visi, misi, dan motto tersebut   The embodiment of the vision, mission and motto is
           diwujudkan melalui berbagai langkah strategis. Salah   realized through various strategic steps. One of them
           satunya adalah mendukung dan mengoptimalkan           is supporting and optimizing the implementation of
           implementasi online single submission risk based approach   the online single submission risk-based approach (OSS-
           (OSS-RBA), yang merupakan sistem perizinan berusaha   RBA), which is a risk-based and electronically integrated
           berbasis risiko dan terintegrasi secara elektronik. Hal ini   business licensing system. This is in line with the
           sejalan dengan pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Nomor 11     implementation of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning
           Tahun 2020 Tentang Cipta Kerja.                       Job Creation.

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