Page 43 - ISI BUKU SULAWESI BARAT 20-09-2024
P. 43
Berdasarkan Pasal 35 ayat 3 PP 7/2021, terdapat Based on Article 35 paragraph 3 of GR 7/2021, there
tiga kategori skala usaha; yakni usaha mikro dengan are three categories of business scale; namely micro
modal usaha maksimal Rp 1 miliyar; usaha kecil businesses with a maximum business capital of IDR
dengan modal usaha Rp 5 – Rp 10 miliyar; usaha besar 1 billion, small businesses with a business capital of
dengan modal usaha di atas Rp 10 miliyar. IDR 5 - IDR 10 billion, large businesses with a business
capital above IDR 10 billion.
Memiliki asas fiktif positif, yakni permohonan It has a positive fictitious principle, meaning that a
perizinan dianggap dikabulkan jika sistem OSS tidak licensing application is considered approved if the OSS
menerbitkan perizinan sampai berakhirnya jangka system does not issue the permit by the end of the
waktu yang telah ditentukan. specified period.
Pihak yang dapat mengajukan permohonan perizinan Parties eligible to apply for business licensing through
berusaha pada OSS-RBA adalah: OSS-RBA are:
• Pelaku usaha perorangan • Individual business actors
• Pelaku usaha badan usaha • Business entities
• Pelaku usaha kantor perwakilan • Representative office businesses
• Badan usaha luar negeri • Foreign business entities
Dengan demikian, implementasi OSS-RBA bukan hanya Therefore, the implementation of OSS-RBA is not just
sekadar inisiatif administratif, tetapi sebuah tonggak an administrative initiative, but a crucial milestone
penting dalam membangun ekosistem investasi yang in building a conducive and sustainable investment
kondusif dan berkelanjutan di Sulawesi Barat. ecosystem in West Sulawesi.
Inovasi Sepoi, Sebaran Potensi Investasi
Sepoi Innovation: Investment Potential Dissemination
Provinsi Sulawesi Barat terus berupaya untuk The West Sulawesi Province continues to strive to boost
menggeliatkan investasi di wilayahnya, melalui berbagai investment in its region through various innovations.
inovasi. Salah satu inovasi datang dari Dinas Penanaman One of the innovations comes from the Investment and
Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP), Integrated One-Stop Service Agency (DPMPTSP), through
melalui aplikasi Sepoi (Sebaran Potensi Investasi). the Sepoi (Sebaran Potensi Investasi) application.
Inovasi ini diusung oleh Satriawan Hasan Sulur, Pejabat This innovation was carried out by Satriawan Hasan
Fungsional Penata Kelola Penanaman Modal (PKPM) Sulur, an Intermediate Expert Functional Officer of
Ahli Madya DPMPTSP Provinsi Sulawesi Barat. Sepoi Investment Management (PKPM) of DPMPTSP of West
diluncurkan dan diperkenalkan kepada khalayak dalam Sulawesi Province. Sepoi was launched and introduced to
Pekan Inovasi yang berlangsung pada Jumat, 23 Februari the public during the Innovation Week which took place
2024. on Friday, February 23, 2024.