Page 46 - BUKU MERAUKE 24-06-2024 GABUNG
P. 46
Tak ubahnya dengan sektor pendidikan, untuk peningkatan Not unlike the education sector, to improve the quality
kualitas pelayanan kesehatan Pemerintah Kabupaten of health services, the Merauke Regency Government
Merauke juga telah mengajukan DAK sebesar Rp has also submitted a DAK of Rp 114,459,420,000 to the
114.459.420.000 kepada pemerintah pusat. Dana tersebut central government. The funds will later be used for the
nantinya akan digunakan untuk keberlanjutan program sustainability of health service fulfillment programs, both
pemenuhan pelayanan kesehatan, baik itu perorangan individuals and communities or collectively.
maupun masyarakat atau secara kolektif.
Selain itu, DAK juga akan dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan In addition, DAK will also be used to improve the quality and
kualitas dan kuantitas fasilitas kesehatan, seperti quantity of health facilities, such as improving the facilities
peningkatan sarana dan prasarana pusat kesehatan and infrastructure of community health centers (Puskesmas)
masyarakat (Puskesmas) serta pembangunan fasilitas rumah and building hospital facilities. This is to realize accessible
sakit. Hal itu demi mewujudkan fasilitas kesehatan yang and comprehensive health facilities for the community.
aksesibel dan menyeluruh bagi masyarakat.
Sebagaimana diketahui, saat ini terdapat 178 fasilitas As is known, there are currently 178 health facilities in
kesehatan di Kabupaten Merauke, yang terdiri dari rumah Merauke Regency, consisting of hospitals, health centers,
sakit, Puskesmas, Puskesmas pembantu, poliklinik, dan auxiliary health centers, polyclinics, and pharmacies as well
apotek. Serta 662 tenaga kesehatan yang kompeten di as 662 health workers who are competent in their fields.
Fasilitas dan Tenaga Kesehatan Kabupaten Merauke 2023
Merauke Regency Health Facilities and Workers 2023
Rumah sakit / Hospital Dokter / Doctor
6 unit/Units 38 unit/Units
Puskesmas umum / Public health centers Perawat / Nurses
26 unit/Units 299 unit/Units
Puskesmas pembantu / Substitute health centers Bidan / Midwife
125 unit/Units 270 unit/Units
Poliklinik / Polyclinic Farmasi / Pharmacy
9 unit/Units 26 unit/Units
Apotek / Pharmacy Ahli Gizi /Nutritionist
12 unit/Units 29 unit/Units
sumber: BPS Kabupaten Merauke / Source: BPS of Merauke Regency