Page 59 - BUKU MERAUKE 24-06-2024 GABUNG
P. 59
Pengembangan infrastruktur jalan dan jembatan juga The development of road and bridge infrastructure also aims
bertujuan untuk mendukung program Food Estate, seperti to support the Food Estate program, such as integrating
mengintegrasikan area pertanian yang menjadi kawasan agricultural areas that become Food Estate areas with the
Food Estate dengan sistem jaringan jalan. Hal tersebut demi road network system. This is to improve the accessibility of
meningkatkan aksesibilitas kawasan-kawasan tersebut ke these areas to the location of the processing industry.
lokasi industri pengolahan.
Sementara untuk kawasan pertanian yang sulit dijangkau As for agricultural areas that are difficult to reach or cut off
atau terputus oleh jaringan jalan, Pemerintah Kabupaten by the road network, the Merauke Regency Government will
Merauke akan mengupayakan pembangunan jembatan seek the construction of bridges to connect the road network.
sebagai penghubung jaringan jalan.
Dalam rangka meningkatkan konektivitas antarwilayahnya, To improve connectivity between its regions, the Merauke
Pemerintah Kabupaten Merauke juga memiliki rencana Regency Government also has a development plan and
pengembangan dan integrasi intermoda transportasi. Di intermodal transportation integration. Among them are the
antaranya penetapan simpul transportasi laut, udara, dan establishment of sea and air transportation nodes, and plans
rencana pengembangan jalur kereta api serta sungai. to develop rail and river lines.